The Human Energy Field And DNA

dnaCore Spirit – Every human being has an energy field around their body. Some people call it the aura, or the luminous energy field, or simply the human energy field. The purpose of this article is not only to prove the existence of the human energy field, but also to explore the function of our DNA, the interaction between DNA and the unified field, and the influence of the human energy field on that relationship.

Ultimately, if the science is indeed correct, this is a first step to health, healing, and possibly human evolution.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

Human Energy Field and DNA – The Origin of Health

In the Western world our doctors go through almost a decade of schooling, and in that time they become masters of human biology, anatomy, and physiology. They become adept at understanding disease, and diagnosing all forms of illness, yet in a large majority of cases, what is their prescription? Drugs or Surgery. Continue reading

The Sovereignty of Humanity

humanGlen T. Martin, Ph.D. –  Our time is a time of vast danger for the future of humankind and the integrity of our precious Earth. Forces of disintegration, division, and war everywhere attack human unity and inhibit the emergence of a planetary civilization based on our common humanity.

Human beings continue to cling to pseudo-realities, pseudo-realities that become extremely dangerous and tear our world apart: nations, races, religions, ethnicities, cultures, languages, corporate interests, etc. Attachment to pseudo-realities obscures from us our common humanity, our common human reality evolving out of the vast cosmic evolutionary process from the (theoretical) Big Bang, to human emergence some two million years ago, to human ascendancy over nature and colonization of the entire Earth in the past two centuries.

Since the 20th century, physics has shown us in great depth and detail that the reality (the basic nature) of the cosmos cannot be imagined by the human pictorial imagination. Unlike the old magical and mythological relations to reality that assumed that the real could be pictured and named, everything in contemporary physics reveals the world in terms of mathematical equations that cannot be translated into imaginative pictures. Physics unveils the absolute oneness of the universe and the thoroughly interdependent and relative nature of all the fields within that whole: within that dynamic, ever-flowing holism.

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