We Know Who Owns The Federal Reserve! [Video]

Anonymous – The New World Order, or NWO, is one of the most well-known conspiracy theories in modern history, right up there with the faked moon landings. In fact, there are those who believe that the NWO orchestrated the fake landings to reinforce their control over the population.


Like a handful of cookie crumbs, the NWO has a way of slipping into the cracks behind every other far-fetched theory, and like entropy, the theories about them only get bigger with time. Just keep in mind that as plausible as these theories sound, they are, unfortunately, absolutely insane.

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The Story Of Humanity’s Enslavement [Video]

Stefan Molyneux – We can only be kept in the cages we do not see. A brief history of human enslavement – up to and including your own.


This is an explanation of the great tragedy of man and the introduction of fear of death and imprisonment, which causes a feedback loop of control.

SF Source How To Exit The Matrix Oct. 2016

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ECETI News Sept. 2016

humanityJames Gilliland  – Here we go again more false flags in a last ditch effort to maintain the corrupt status quo.The powers that were are imploding. The Boston bombing, a complete botched false flag now has part two. Sandy Hook was also a complete failure unless you are a neutered zombie robot consumer believing the lame stream press; which unfortunately is the case for a lot of people.

There is a saying, “You get the government you deserve.” If you are going to behave like ignorant sheep you create job security for the tyrants.

There is an oath within most military and government enforcement agencies to protect and serve the people. Most take an oath to protect the constitution as well against enemies foreign and domestic. We need to walk our talk when it comes to foreign countries as well. I was given a refrigerator magnet showing a GI kicking a door in saying let’s talk about freedom. We cannot operate in foreign countries in complete contradiction to the ideals America was founded on. Not to mention honoring international law.

The status quo has lost all sight of honor, integrity, the God given rights of all humanity succumbing to unbridled greed, power over others and in many cases genocide. We are talking about being governed by pathological liars, thieves, and murderers. We are talking about down right satanic, demonic and maniacal forces when you get down to the root of the matter. This is not conspiracy. It is fact and the condition of humanity and the Earth bears testimony to this.

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Savage Barbarians rule the World

humanKatherine Frisk – Is the human race a total, utter and complete lost cause? It deludes itself with lies at every turn. It creates illusions for itself to justify theft, greed, murder and slavery of its own species. The human race is mentally unbalanced and insane. It is beyond help. It is beyond rehabilitating.

Go back in history and then forward into the present and the future. There is no difference at all. It is the same game, the same story line; it is not even ingenious or creative. Or even variegated. It is totally predictable no matter in which time frame you may look at it.

The human race, unlike other life forms has free will, the ability to reason, the ability to determine its own future, but over and over again chooses suffering, slavery and disempowerment.

It chooses to subject itself to abusive people and abusive bodies of power. It chooses to stay in childlike subservience and idolize others and give their power away rather than grow up and take responsibility for themselves.

The only conclusion I can come to is that the human race can be put into two categories. Masochists and sadists. The Masochists need the sadists as much as the sadists need the masochists and in-between the very few “sane” people in all races, religions, cultures and nations barely stand a chance, barely have a voice for survival and the civilized choice. Their voices are blocked out between the fanatic lunatics on both sides of the divide that control this world.

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