Entanglement Experiments Go Beyond The Quantum Scale

entanglementJoseph P Farrell – Mr. T.M. and a few other people sent along this article this past week, and it’s one whose implications, if true, might be rather dramatic, for it seems that the phenomenon of quantum entanglement might  exist at scales much larger than mere sub-atomic particles:

Spooky Experiments Bring Quantum Weirdness to Nearly Macroscopic Scales

As the article points out, entanglement experiments have now succeeded in demonstrating entanglement properties, not just between sub-atomic particles, but now, clusters of atoms:

Experimenters around the world are trying to harness perhaps the most perplexing property in physics: quantum entanglement, which Einstein called “spooky action at a distance.” A few teams of scientists have succeeded in bringing this eerie behavior, which normally only exists between pairs of particles, to much bigger systems. Continue reading

The Arrow Of Time Is Relative To Correlated Particles

timeJoseph P Farrell – Mr. H.B. found this article at our friends from phys.org, and it’s a stunner if one stops to think about it:

Experiment shows that arrow of time is a relative concept, not an absolute one

What is interesting – and, I would aver, pregnant with implications – is that while the overall arrow of vector of time in the macro-verse (if one may so speak), remains fixed by the second law of thermodynamics, there can be localized reversals of that vector of time due to the phenomenon of particle correlation:

The idea of  has been in the news a lot lately as researchers around the world attempt to use it for various purposes—but there is another lesser-known property of particles that is similar in nature, but slightly different. It is when particles become correlated, which means they become linked in ways that do not happen in the larger world. Continue reading

Entanglement necessary to any classical theory

theoryJoseph P Farrell – Ms. K.M. shared this one from our friends at phys.org, and it is, if I may employ the expression, a whopper-doozie if it should prove to be the case.

But first, a bit of background by way of an all-too-brief excursion through the history of science. One of the revolutionary things that Christianity did was to lay a metaphysical foundation for “natural philosophy,” which is what the Middle Ages and the early enlightenment would now call “physics.”

I’ve long suspected that the older term was, perhaps, a more accurate one, for it acknowledged the presence of implicit metaphysical and cosmological assumptions were at the core. In the milieu in which Christianity appeared, the common assumption – with many variations to be sure – was that the natural order was comprised of “levels”, each with their own special laws of operation: the heavens obeyed heavenly laws, the Earth terrestrial ones.

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The Field (Part 2)

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll – Greetings, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner literally steps away and his consciousness is split. As many times as he does this, it’s always new. He knows what to expect, but each time it’s slightly different. this is channelling as he does it, and as we’ve said before, there is no generic way to channel. A Human Being will open themselves up and channelling can come out in song or the greatest paintings you have ever seen.

Some of the greatest creations of the centuries that you have experienced and enjoyed have been channelled. The greatest melodies of the planet – channelled. The beautiful sculptures that you see that speak to you have been channelled. So this connection with the Creator comes out in so many different ways, but even those who speak the words, as my partner is doing, have many different ways of doing so.

Some Humans must be literally taken out of their own consciousness and, therefore, they remember nothing. Then there’s my partner who has asked to remain present. It’s because he did it this way that it took him longer to understand what is being said, to cognize it, and to check the messages for integrity.

This morning I gave a message and I wish to summarize it later in this channelling for those listening and reading. The message told of a concept that we wish to review. It’s a concept that many have not heard, and I want to tell you about it and also add something else to it. That will come in a moment, but before I go any further, I want to tell you that it is not a random accident that brings you to the chairs where you are listening and reading.

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The Science Of Entanglement & The Illusion Of Separation

“. . . shedding beliefs that are erroneous at their core—which are ALL beliefs—because only experience is real. “Peace is not a belief.  It’s a home we have never left.”” – Francis Lucille

energyCurrents1With great gratitude I found myself with like-minded scientists and thought leaders at this year’s Science and Nonduality Conference (SAND) where a common ground was sought between neuroscientists, physicists and the consciousness community. This year’s theme was “Entanglement” and recognition that “when science drills down into the core of even the most solid-looking object, separateness dissolves, and all that remains are relationships extending throughout and possibly beyond, space and time.”

What is so interesting about SAND is the confluence of the nondualists who simply attribute EVERYTHING to consciousness without a need for science, and those among us whose minds still seek “answers” and for whom a scientific “explanation” makes things land more deeply.

What is also so extraordinary about this conference is the ability to exchange ideas with so  many different scientific and nondual thinkers (the latter being a necessary contradiction) in a nourishing environment.

A Balance Of Informed Perspectives

I immediately found myself “entangled” with Wolfgang Baer, another attendee who teaches at the graduate level in Monterey and with a PhD in physics from Berkeley who believes he has discovered an energetic basis for consciousness in the binding energy of minute particles. From there I immediately found myself in an amazing panel discussion moderated by Cassandra Vieten, PhD, President and CEO of IONS, the Institute of Noetic Sciences. She first delivered an interesting discourse on the cycle of consciousness changing theories – from being seen as heretical and subversive to eventually either replacing or becoming absorbed into the conventional thought and mainstream of the times.

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