Frequency And Vibration: How They Create The Structures Of Matter And Life

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla

Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound [Pao Chang – If we want to understand how the material world is created and what keeps it in a perpetual motion, we need to study the language of the living energy codes of matter, which is made of light, sound, frequency and vibration. Most of us know that the material world is made of matter, but we do not understand the mechanics behind it.

Conventional science taught us that the material world came into existence by accident. If we study the science of matter deeply enough, we should eventually come to the conclusion that the material world did not occur by accident. The fact that physicists can describe the Universe using only mathematical formulas is proof that a divine being designed and created the material or external world. These formulas were not created by scientists; rather, they were rediscovered. Continue reading

Oracle Report – Wednesday, December 2, 2015

moveDisseminating Moon in Virgo: share, communicate, receive information

Goddess of Wisdom: Kamala – Goddess of Transformation

God of Will/Desire: Elias – God of the West, God of Transformation

Skill: 1) move your body 2) shift perspective/perception

True Alignments: blazing a new trail, bold attitude, ventures, having a new idea, being in your body, spiritual communion, breaking away, changing conditions, connecting, wonder, fleeting moments of joy

Catalysts for Change: restrictions, denying growth, fear for safety and security, feelings of failure, rationalizing, refusing to grow up, uncompromising, clinging, withdrawing, giving one’s free will over to others

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a woman drawing aside two dark curtain that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

As things appear to be moving toward chaos, the wisdom of the Sabian symbols tells us that things are not spinning out of control; they are actually moving, changing, and shifting and ultimately leading to better ways.

Now is the time, wise owls. The “skill” listed each day on the Oracle Report for years has not been an exercise for self-indulgence. It has been a practice to prepare us for this time — the time when mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual equilibrium will not only hold the fabric of humanity together as darkness is parted, but also when humanity is meant to prosper, to flourish. It is the time of Renaissance. We do not see things as ending; we see them as just beginning.

That said, let’s look at what is going on today. Continue reading