NWO In Its Element: Problem, Reaction, Solution. Beware.

Michael Noonan – Last week, we lamented how difficult it was to get a fix on so many things going on in the world, and going wrong.  It occurs to us that we are all in the midst of the New World Order going about business as usual, creating Problems, and the bigger the better, then watching reactions of the masses, even governments.  The worse possible the problems, the more horrifying the Reactions  the better.  For waiting in the wings is their planned Solution, all leading toward global takeover under a one world rule, like the UN.

One of the more fractious plans has been the destabilization of the Middle East.  Think of all the “problems” [real as they are, but planned], festering throughout that region.  The Arab/Muslim world is reacting, ISIS, US proxy plans for destabilizing Syria, Turkey now in turmoil, Libya gone [along with all its gold, the plan all along], ongoing problems in Egypt, Saudi Arabia attacking Yemen [Sunni v Shiite, keep them divisive, the plan].  Globalists want the entire region warring with each other and in a weakened state, [Problem].

As the  Middle East, and the rest of the world, reacts, [Reaction], the Globalists will step in with a solution to stop all the fighting, being peace, to a certain degree, and have the factions somehow come under a Globalist’s “unified” umbrella where they are now in control, [Solution, their solution].

This Problem, Reaction, Solution blueprint happened in Cyprus, now Greece, setting the stage for bail-ins throughout the Western world, in order to save the banks that created all the financial mayhem from the beginning.  Guess what plan is waiting in the wings for the masses now? Continue reading