Heart-Centered Rebellion

truthSarah Varcas –  We live in intense times: intensely unpredictable, intensely beautiful, intensely unsettling, intensely transformational. Both the best and the worst are rising to the surface, revealed in their fullness for all to behold. These are times of opportunity, when we can change the course of so much and challenge, like never before, the status quo of inequalities and power differentials, oppression, exploitation and deception. Things are not as they seem, nor are they as we’ve been led to believe. Truths are surfacing, along with feelings previously discounted, fears denied for too long and realities we dared not name.

Both brutal and nurturing in equal measure, current planetary activity speaks of great conflict and great healing, but the former may precede the latter with immense force. Truth rises like a bubble, breaking through what may be a hardened surface of complacency or denial, shattering as it goes. This fragmented surface may be our career that falls apart to reveal its empty heart just when we thought we should be at the top of our game.

It may be a relationship that dissolves into dust when we need it to sustain us the most. It may be our health as it falters and fails, a wider breakdown in social order or an unavoidable sense of deepening unease that something in our world is very wrong and in need of healing before it’s too late. The current conjunction between Eris and Uranus leaves no one untouched for we all, at some level or other, must be broken open to receive the truth and stop living our personal lie.

It is tempting to take sides at moments like this. To play ‘good and righteous’ to another’s ‘bad’. Current world events foster this tendency as acts of unspeakable violence occur on our doorstep, echoing events that have occurred for many years, but at a safe enough distance that we could happily ignore them and carry on our merry and unconscious way. But violence and hatred, fear and terror, despair and frustration don’t go away by ignoring them. Quite the opposite. Denial feeds them, as does refusal to acknowledge the seeds of truth in their darkened heart.

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Revolution Within and Without

“Rising Up” by Gary Rosenberg

Sarah Varcas – 9th June 2016 sees the first exact conjunction between Eris and Uranus in the 24th degree of Aries. In it we meet the untamed feminine: wild and radical, owned by no one, shaped by nothing and prepared to do what it takes to expose the enduring lies that diminish and debilitate humanity. She points the finger without hesitation, names the oppressor and fights to the death of all falsity presented as truth.

Eris is our power – men and women, one and all – to take a stand; to face the unpalatable facts of our sterile life; to honour the deep, gutsy knowing in our very bowels that life itself is raw, passionate and cannot be tamed. Her alliance with Uranus affords her ever greater influence, instilling within those who join her crusade the power to shake awake even those most deeply asleep in this world on the brink.

Unlike Mars who will fight to impose, Eris fights to expose. She refuses to accept the social mores of conformity used to keep us down. Eris unflinchingly illuminates millennia of denial and degradation of the feminine, highlighting equally its trademark oppression of women and girls, alongside its brutalisation of boys and men. Currently aligned to Mars, the archetypal masculine, we see these two forces in intense dialogue, negotiating a settlement and positive way forward which honours both polarities in us all.

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Oracle Report ~ Thursday, June 2, 2016

taurusI will be back will a full report tomorrow, everyone.  In the meantime, Tuesday’s post is worth a re-read today.  Venus re-activates the degree of the Sun’s location on Tuesday, and the Grand Cross is building in strength as we approach Saturday’s New Moon.  Scroll down for Tuesday’s entry.

Note also that the Moon is now in Taurus, aspecting the Black Moon as it does two times each month.  Here is a reminder about his energetic, as discussed yesterday:

When the Moon enters Taurus, it will begin opposing the Black Moon in Scorpio.  Those with the Sun, Black Moon, or Chiron in Taurus or Scorpio (opposite signs) experience one of the stages of rebirth that they are under until Valentine’s Day 2017.  This is our first experience with the Moon in Taurus since the Black Moon moved into Scorpio, so we will see how this is.  Everyone’s shadow side is faced in one way or another and to one degree or another when the Moon and Black Moon are interacting.  Projection of one’s one feelings onto others is the modus operandi.  Issues related to insecurities and losses are in focus.

The Moon will leave Taurus and enter Gemini around 11:00 pm ET tomorrow (3:00 am UT Saturday), switching the dynamics considerably before the New Moon in Gemini later in the day.

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A January of Introspection, Realization and Transformation

erisHenry Seltzer – The astrology of January 2016 features Mercury in retrograde, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and Eris. As we slide into the new year we are treated to a large dose of outer planet interaction that ensures that the major changes of the past year are far from over.

The old lunation cycle from mid-December had its kick-off with Mars opposite Uranus, and the new one that begins with the late Capricorn New Moon of the evening of January 9th takes place a few degrees from Pluto, as the square between them narrows in exactitude to less than one and a half degrees. This emphasizes over the course of the present month the powerful factor that these “gods of change” represent, although according to modern thinking about the symbolic influence of such World Transits, this configuration will remain active until the end of the present decade.

For more information regarding this revolutionary and evolutionary combination, see the remarkable book Cosmos and Psyche, by Richard Tarnas. Since Mercury is about to turn retrograde, on January 5th lasting to the 25th — and beyond, when we take the period of the ‘retrograde shadow’ into account — traveling mainly through the sign of Capricorn as it does, we are now in a thoughtful period, with plenty of energy for introspection, and for questioning whether the logic of the material world has sufficient answers to the fundamental questions of our 21st Century existence.

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A Last Quarter Summing Up of Intensity

Saturday evening’s Last Quarter Moon, taking place late night further east, or early on Sunday morning in Europe, is an interesting one, following as it does the intensity of the two very potent eclipses of late March and early April. This final major phase therefore represents a erissumming up of the intensity of these earlier lunations in the cycle, and traditionally for this phase also a noteworthy alteration in point of view, which Rudhyar called a “crisis in consciousness.” This shift in perception is based upon successfully digesting the experiences of the previous three weeks of the lunation cycle thus far. Additionally, this configuration places the Moon in Pluto‘s current sign of Capricorn with the Sun in square, in Aries, the sign Uranus occupies. The Sun there also conjuncts Eris, the planet beyond Pluto, one degree away.

This new planetary energy, which according to my own research represents an astrological archetype that can be termed a Spiritual Warrior for Soul Purpose, speaks to standing up for one’s inner calling, that task that you can recognize that you have come into this lifetime to fulfill. This is thus an important and powerful emerging archetype for these times that we are currently living through. For those interested in reviewing my research, conclusions and the evidence that has led up to this characterization of Eris, see the current April issue of The Mountain Astrologer magazine, or check out my new book on Eris, The Tenth Planet, due to be released at the end of May from The Wessex Astrologer.

This Last Quarter Moon comes after the significant moment of last month’s final collision of the planetary archetypes of Uranus and Pluto this decade, the seventh exact hit out of seven, a series that began in June of 2012. This important lunation also follows the station to direct motion of Jupiter, in aspect to both ends of their square alignment.

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