What I’ve Learned about Writing a Persuasive Essay

essayI remember my first year in college vividly. It was like everything was falling apart. Dealing with homesickness and a new crazy schedule was not  easy.

It got worse when I learned I had to write a persuasive essay.  I had no idea what a persuasive essay was and I did not understand the explanation given in class on how to do it. If only I knew then what I know now I’m wiser and can practically write one in my sleep!

The truth is, regardless of the type of writing you’re doing, putting your ideas into written form isn’t easy.  In fact it’s an issue even great writers face. And while there are quality sites like studymoose.com that can write an essay for you it’s always best to do it yourself.  To assist you here are some tools and tricks I’ve learned that will help you write a good persuasive essay. Continue reading