The End of ET Woo [Video]

wooAlexandra Bruce – Clif High says that an imminent report coming from the Pentagon in May-June will be one of major UFO/ET disclosure and this defining moment will mark the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. The US Government will finally admit something they’ve been trying to deny for over 80 years.

He says everything is going to change. Einsteinian and Quantum Physics will be revealed for the frauds that they are. All authority will be destabilized. “Everybody’s going to have to acknowledge that what you learned in high school; anything that you learned prior to the day that they announced this report is bogus, because everything changed that day and that was the end of the woo… Continue reading

Corey Goode Deceived? MILABs, William Tompkins, Tom Delong, and Gaia TV [Video]

Justin Deschamps – In a controversial presentation produced by the well-respected ufologist and researcher Dr. Steven Greer, allegations were levied against two persons, Corey Goode and William Tompkins, claiming they could be disinformation agents or fraudsters. Dr. Greer also mentioned the former front man of the popular musical band Blink 182, Tom Delong, and the news media sites Gaia and Collective Evolution. He said each could be sharing inaccurate or intentionally fabricated information about the nature of secret government projects, extraterrestrials, and hidden technology that could be used by certain nefarious forces to foment an interstellar war.

The following article will detail the core aspects of Dr. Greer’s presentation and philosophy, to include video excerpts of the presentation, and assess and analyze the plausibility of such accusations against the collective store of data available in the public record. It will also evaluate whether such a cosmic false flag is possible if secret space programs exist, and if a shadow government uses hidden technology for nefarious ends, drawing from resources for support whenever possible. Whether one is a newcomer or well versed in these topics, the data contained herein is replete and can be used to educate oneself further. – continue reading . . .

SF Source Stillness in the Storm March 2017