Uninvited EU border guard is another EU power grab [Video + Transcript]

Nigel Farage – Another European summit and yet another power grab. It’s funny every single time a European Union policy fails, and that’s pretty often, the demand is more centralisation and more Europe and I think by any measure the EU’s Common Asylum Policy, albeit given rocket boosters by Chancellor Merkel, has been a dramatic failure. Not only will millions continue to come, few of whom of course would qualify as genuine refugees, but it’s become an open invitation to terrorism. So our solution is that the EU border agency and the EU maritime services should be given powers and the ability to declare force majeure over the member states.

And incredibly the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, is supporting this and yet that’s the same Prime Minister who is going in to have a meeting with you tomorrow night to talk about our so called renegotiation. I hope he fares better than last time, the last time he attempted this he got to speak at one ‘o clock in the morning, spoke for a total of seven minutes, during the middle of which the French President, Monsieur Hollande, got up and went out for a pee.

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