The Biggest Tipping Point For Freedom In Human History [Audio]

SGTbull07  August 20 2013

Filmmaker Bill Still, the man behind the classic monetary documentaries ‘The Money Masters’, ‘The Secret of Oz’, and his latest film ‘Jekyll Island – The Movie’, joins us to discuss his new project ‘Fixing Greece’.


Bill needs your help with his new project, so if you can stop by… and contribute a few bucks towards Bill’s efforts to save Greece and expose the Banksters evil plans, Bill would certainly appreciate your support.

Bitcoin: The World’s First Cryptographic Commodity February 3 2013

One result has repeated itself without fail throughout history. Every fiat currency ever created has dropped to zero and ended in horrible failure for the majority of its users, while benefiting those that destroy it. The reins of this economic self destruct mechanism are carefully tended by the worlds power structure while they position their own assets in such a way to profit from the fire sale as the rest of the world struggles to survive.

This pattern has repeated itself ever since the first cuneiform tablet was forged, just after the abstract concept of money was created. Since that time society relied completely on evolving technology to verify and preserve the institution of money as it was originally intended, and others continually worked to break that system for personal gain. Because this has been an expensive and complicated task in the past, people have always relied on a centralized institution to control the common wealth. This has always left people vulnerable to this central point of control being hijacked and used against the common wealth, until now.

The creation of Bitcoin is a historical landmark in the evolution of money. For the first time in human history there is a system of trade that is not under the control of a centralized system, and is in fact designed to prevent such controls. It also includes a few never before seen features enabling people to use publicly known open source mathematical calculations to ensure that the Bitcoin can only be spent once. A finite number of Bitcoins will be created, and the probability of generating them decreases as new users join the system. These are the key tenets of the Bitcoin system.

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Paul Craig Roberts ~ Attack On Sovereignty

Paul Craig Roberts | January 15 2013

British governmentThose concerned about “The New World Order” speak as if the United States is coming under the control of an outside conspiratorial force. In fact, it is the US that is the New World Order. That is what the American unipolar world, about which China, Russia, and Iran complain, is all about.

Washington has demonstrated that it has no respect for its own laws and Constitution, much less any respect for international law and the law and sovereignty of other countries. All that counts is Washington’s will as the pursuit of hegemony moves Washington closer to becoming a world dictator.

The examples are so numerous someone should compile them into a book. During the Reagan administration the long established bank secrecy laws of Switzerland had to bend to Washington’s will. The Clinton administration attacked Serbia, murdered civilians and sent Serbia’s president to be tried as a war criminal for defending his country. The US government engages in widespread spying on Europeans’ emails and telephone calls that is unrelated to terrorism. Julian Assange is confined to the Ecuadoran embassy in London, because Washington won’t permit the British government to honor his grant of political asylum. Washington refuses to comply with a writ of habeas corpus from a British count to turn over Yunus Rahmatullah whose detention a British Court of Appeals has ruled to be unlawful. Washington imposes sanctions on other countries and enforces them by cutting sovereign nations that do not comply out of the international payments system.

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Bank For International Settlements (BIS): How The Rothschilds Control And Dictate To The World

Central bank

William Dean A. Garner  For decades, people have urged me, pushed me, prodded me, practically peeled off my skin, pulled out my eyes, and yanked out my brain to prove it, i.e. show them the data, the results, the books, manuals, pamphlets, journals, monographs, voice and video recordings, all the resources I have used to make the statements I do about the Brzezinski Cartel and the Rothschilds.

On the evening of St. Patrick’s Day 2010, I feel now is the time . . . but with a twist.

The list below shows 165 different ways how The First Sphere of Influence (Rothschilds and Brzezinski Cartel) controls the world. One hundred and sixty-five reasons to believe what I say to be 100% accurate and true.

Each entry is a separate and distinct central bank, located in a separate and distinct part of the world. These central banks cover the globe and know absolutely no boundaries, effectively erasing borders between even sworn enemies.

The BIS (pronounced BIZZ) is the Rothschild’s piggy bank, a veritable deep-pit mine, the equivalent of quadrillions of dollars.

quadrillion quad·ril’lion adj.

The cardinal number equal to 1015.
Chiefly British. Septillion.

What’s the significance of having a central bank within a country and why should you concern yourself, your family and colleagues?

Central banks are illegally created PRIVATE banks that are owned by the Rothschild banking family. The family has been around for more than 230 years and has slithered its way into each country on this planet, threatened every world leader and their governments and cabinets with physical and economic death and destruction, and then emplaced their own people in these central banks to control and manage each country’s pocketbook. Worse, the Rothschilds also control the machinations of each government at the macro level, not concerning themselves with the daily vicissitudes of our individual personal lives. Except when we get too far out of line.

The grand plan of The First Sphere of Influence is to create a global mononation. Please do not confuse this with the term globalization. Mononation and globalization couldn’t be more different in concept, scope and purpose. Mononation is one state. It has one government. One set of laws for all ordinary citizens, no laws for the elite. Globalization refers to communicating, trading, interacting, etc. among separate, different, independent, sovereign countries.

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