In the Trenches of Battlefield Earth

forcesZen Gardner – Ever wonder why you feel so all alone during this crucial time in history? Why the sense of isolation yet at the same time you feel so connected to the information field and those waking up? And all while you still appear to be living all alone?

Quite the conundrum. Yet the reality of it gets louder by the day.

This is war. An all out war on a very individual level. We’re in a battle for our planet and its peoples and you’re part of it. The more integral you are the more isolated you may feel, I venture to say.  And by design, as strange as that may seem, though we do need to connect at this crucial time.

It’s a time of immense warfare, between the forces of good and the forces of evil, to put it in its most basic terms. Clearly a lot is happening on many levels but essentially this is a fight for our survival – not just geopolitically, but even physically and most of all spiritually.

We’re under attack and the awakening soldiers have been relegated to their fighting positions – what you might call our trenches.

So don’t fight it. Fight the enemy and stop thinking too much about your own damn issues. You’ve been called to battle. That’s pretty much how I’m currently seeing it. However you see all of what’s going on, it’s a time to let personal issues go for the sake of the greater good and make whatever sacrifices you need to make.

Stay Outside Yourself

There’s so much more at stake than any of us individually. Selflessness is the sign of a true warrior; one who fights for a noble cause and the survival of righteous principles and the lives of all those they love and care for. This includes all of humanity and every living thing on this planet. It’s a driving compassion that surpasses all of the confines of social structure or so called reason.

Passion supersedes everything. It is born out of spirit and will not cease until its goal is accomplished to the best of its ability. The destructive tendencies we witness today are shortsighted and of very limited lifespans. They’re a different vibration altogether and basically a counterfeit impulse born out of entropic forces countering the creative design.

Hence the warfare. Continue reading

Can Evil Be Defeated?

Paul Craig Roberts – John W. Whitehead is a constitutional attorney. As head of the Rutherford Institute he is actively involved in defending our civil liberties. Being actively involved in legal cases, he experiences first hand the transformation of law from a shield of the American people into a weapon in the hands of the government.

American civil liberty was seriously eroded prior to 9/11 police a story I tell in How America Was Lost. Lawrence Stratton and I documented the loss of law as a shield of the American people in our book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions (2000, 2008). Whitehead in his book, A Government of Wolves (2013) and in his just released Battlefield America (2015) shows how quickly and thoroughly the police state has taken root.

We live in an electronic concentration camp. We are addicted to images on screens that disinform and propagandize us to accept and even welcome the police state activities that have destroyed our autonomy, privacy, and independence.

I write many columns on this subject. The advantage of a book is that it all comes together under one cover, and that is what Whitehead has done in Battlefield America.

“The outlook for civil liberties grows bleaker by the day, from the government’s embrace of indefinite detention for US citizens and armed surveillance drones flying overhead to warrantless surveillance of phone, email and Internet communications, and prosecutions of government whistle-blowers. The homeland is ruled by a police-industrial complex, an extension of the American military empire. Everything that our founding fathers warned against is now the new norm. The government has trained its sights on the American people. We have become the enemy. All the while, the American people remain largely oblivious.”

Whitehead gives it to us straight. We are continually abused in the name of protecting us. Ordinary Americans are subject to far worst abuse from government than they ever could be from criminals and terrorists, both of which are bogymen used to justify the government’s terrorism of the citizenry. Continue reading

Music Industry Exposed Part 2 – The Agenda Promotes The Dark Side

“Music directly represents the passions of the soul. If one listens to the wrong kind of music, he will become the wrong kind of person” – Aristotle

The first article in this series investigated the huge amount of dark esoteric symbols being promoted in the music industry. This article explores how references to darkness in popular music extend well beyond the use of symbols, creating a culture where the forces of evil are celebrated and practically worshipped by proxy throughout the world.

Music makes up a huge part of our lives. We listen in our spare time, to entertain us while we’re going to work, to motivate us – we might even have songs from our favourite artists stuck in our head all day long! Popular musicians undeniably hold a powerful position in our lives, having a big impact over the direction of our thoughts, emotions and actions. For many people they are life’s biggest role models.

There have been numerous scientific studies that show how we as a species are prone to imitating and conforming to the requests of powerful people and how easily we go along with social norms. Recently there has been much concern about the effect celebrities have on the values of adolescents who often mimic adult behaviours they witness in the media without fully understanding their consequences.

Almost all of the top 30 most watched youtube videos are music related Source

Collectively the videos of popular artists have billions of views on YouTube, and vast numbers of fans buy albums and visit concerts every year. That’s a lot of influence to have on the impressionable minds of future generations.

“Celebrity worship now provides an important reference point for growing up. It’s part of the transfer of attachment from parents to peer group. Also, whereas in past times family, friends and teachers were influential role models, celebrities now fulfill that role.” – John Maltby, co-author of a study on the attitudes of youth towards celebrities Source

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The Illusion Of Good Vs Evil

AugureyeExpress  February 6 2014

DualityThe secret is gradually getting out that we humans are something more than what we’ve always been led, and programmed to believe ourselves to be.

In fact, we are hardwired from birth to exist in a fabricated reality of duality and dichotomy; believing most profoundly of all, in our own powerless insignificance.  To begin with we’re born into the greatest duality of them all, the one in which all others operate, the Birth-Death construct; where we’re taught to believe in self over soul and that the authority of the state is absolute.

From birth, the dualities begin to pile up fast as we are taught, and expected to “play” within their parameters even though that isn’t always possible; and that is also an intentional aspect of the programming.

Long before we can either speak or walk, we’re bombarded with the dualities which comprise our “playpen,” beginning with Yes-No, Light-Dark, Good-Bad, Right-Wrong & Truth-Deception.  These core dualities are designed to instill the feeling of powerlessness into the newly arrived soul as it gets used to its new form and environment.  Did you know that lab rats born in captivity never have a sense there exists any other reality for them?

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The Real Problem With Conspiracy Theories May 30 2012

It seems that applying the tag “conspiracy theory” to something is the new way to get rid of it quickly. Evidently, people have been trained to stay away from anything given that title, assured that they will be embarrassed and ridiculed if they don’t gain some distance.

But, while this association trick is of some interest, it really isn’t our subject here. Our concern is the problem built into conspiracy theories, not how the words are used as a weapon.

I’ll pass up the easy criticism of wild, irrational conspiracy theories. While these criticisms are legitimate, the risk associated with such theories is fairly minor; any serious, independent observer can see through them. The real problem with conspiracy theories is not easy to see – it is implied rather than directly stated. I’ll give it to you in brief, and then explain it more carefully:

The real problem with conspiracy theories is not that they are scary – it’s that they are too comforting.

My concern with conspiracy theories is not whether they are true or false; it is their implication that the world is being controlled. There is a strange comfort in the idea that the world is controllable.

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