The Consciousness Landscape

Do the past and the future really exist?

pastPresentFutureOpen – Have you ever wondered why you can’t remember the exact details of your past lives?

Have you also ever contemplated why even though you may be able to expand into the higher realms, you still can’t see deep into the future?

As we ‘walk the path’ it may seem as though apparent chance coincidences are aligning to a destined journey. So if you can touch the cosmic library of all-knowing, why can you not see what’s on that journey? Further still, why can we not predict the so-called ‘sacred contracts’ that are intended to light up that journey? Continue reading

Follow the Impulses of your Soul

awarenessKate Spreckley – Becoming familiar with our inner reality creates a safe space for us to explore and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. With this understanding we are better equipped and ready to show up in our lives from a place confidence, creativity, and passion. With the continued clash of the old and the new awareness of ourselves and our inner motivations is what will support us overcoming the obstacles we face.

Many are feeling frustrated by continual challenges and yet if we use these challenges as catalysts for change, we can find innovative and new solutions to old problems.

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How Committed Are You to Evolving?

soulPaul Lenda – How important is your own personal evolution to you? How committed are you to the process of flowering into the thousand-petaled lotus you can be?

Most people live simple and upstanding lives but don’t focus too much on evolving their consciousness as much as possible. It’s not necessarily that they don’t want to be the best versions of themselves; it’s just that they don’t want it enough. If they did, they wouldn’t make excuses like not having enough time or energy to dedicate to their own evolution and expansion. Are you making excuses for yourself that are keeping you from expanding your consciousness as far as possible?

In the Dhammapada, Gautama Buddha is recorded as saying, “Few are those who cross to the farthest shore. The rest, the bulk of people, only run up and down the bank.Continue reading

Conscious Evolution for the Sake of Our Future

consciousnessPaul Lenda – Humanity is now experiencing the birth pangs of a global social transformation the likes of which have never experienced in recorded history. Never in the history of human life on this planet has there been such a grave and serious threat of the planet that we live on becoming uninhabitable because of the actions of one species that has asserted its dominance.

Nearly everyone feels that something big is happening,  although the reasons being  proclaimed for this are as numerous as the stars, thanks to peoples’ various belief systems, subjective perceptions and current levels of knowledge and information about what is going on. Continue reading

Transcendental Shift

“We are the key to the universe.”

Opposing Forces

consciousnessIam Saums – We are our greatest adversary. Our tendency is to emulate doubt, fear, indifference and self-sabotage. We demonize authenticity, accountability, integrity and purpose because we are programmed by the social dysfunctions of arrogance, egocentricity and self-righteousness. We obsessively analyze and dismiss most of our opportunities because they do not fit our desired perception of how we believe they should be. Every day we assassinate more often than empower ourselves. Our societal conditioning suppresses our consciousness, evolution and transformation.

Life in Illusion

Reality is not real. It is an archaic social deception designed to amuse, distract, entertain and preoccupy us from becoming extraordinary beings. Every day we are beholden to abide by and sponsor the commandments of society. Yet, it is an instinctual and intellectual prison for our emotions, intuition and soul. The more we accept and conform to the parameters of reality, the more we comply and surrender to it. Eventually we begin to believe embodying and enabling a lie is easier than creating and becoming our truth. In a world of illusion, what is true is often perceived as an inconvenience. Continue reading