‘Fact-Checkers’ Are Technocracy’s Digital Brownshirts

fact checkingDavid Souto Alcalde, Thomas Harrington – We are under siege. A nihilistic fanaticism is running free among us thanks to the emergence of a journalistic “ethos” that establishes an almost complete equivalence between the “truth” and those utterances that support the strategic goals of the great economic and digital powers of our time.

A few months ago Facebook censored an article in the British Medical Journal that highlighted serious irregularities in Pfizer’s clinical vaccine trials. Then two weeks ago, fact-checkers from the Spanish websites Newtral and Maldita burst into the public square to accuse professor of Pharmacology, renowned expert in drug safety, and ex-WHO adviser, Joan Ramón Laporte of foisting lies and disinformation onto the Spanish populace. This, in reaction to Laporte’s testimony before a Spanish parliamentary commission investigating the country’s vaccination effort. Continue reading

Schrödinger’s Cat And Leftist Fact Checkers

fact checkersP.F. Whalen – Aficionados of the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory may recall an episode from early in the series in which one of the main characters, Leonard, struggles in his effort to assess his budding romance with another primary character, Penny.

Leonard eventually decides to use the famous thought experiment of Austrian-Irish physicist Erwin Schrödinger — commonly known as “Schrödinger’s Cat” — to explain the paradox created when particles interact and the “wave function” created by the interaction has not yet collapsed into reality. According to Schrodinger, the cat could be both alive and dead at while the experiment was being conducted, its actual state not revealed until the experiment was concluded. Continue reading