Grab the remote!

remote controlThe Angels – You are powerful beyond your capacity to comprehend. The Love of the Creator lives and breathes within you. With your free will, using, faith, focus and your feeling, you aim the creative powers of the universe!

If you could see reality as we see it, it looks like a vast network of possible “programs” for your life. In much the same way as your television is receptive to a vast network of possible programs – all being broadcast all at once – you are receptive to a vast network of possible realities, all offered to you, all at once.

When you want to select a program on your television, you hold the remote control, press a button and the program appears. What is really happening? You press a button and your remote control sends out an energetic signal. That signal is interpreted by your television, and it tells your television to tune into a certain station. Out of all the stations your TV could receive, now it is focused on only one. Its is tuned into the energetic signal of that one station. A picture appears. Continue reading

Energies June 7 2017

Photo by Andrew Foss

Moon Phase Matrix: Gibbous Moon phase: trust, analyze, prepare

Moon in Scorpio

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: A merry-go-round.

Sun – 16 Degrees Gemini “The head of a robust youth changes into that of a mature thinker

Earth – 10 Degrees Sagittarius “An Easter sunrise service draws a large crowd.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “a woman’s hat with streamers blown by the east wind

Lynda Hill The Sun: This Symbol shows how at times in our lives we seem to, or need to, grow up and mature. We realize that there is only so much that one can do with youthful force. This Symbol shows that it is time to use mature thinking, using your intellect and intuition and being able to take in the consequences and responsibilities of one’s actions. Continue reading

Guided messages for May 22 – 28, 2017 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – Abundant support for your life purpose, and for getting your needs met, flows to you as you have faith and balance your giving and receiving.

Part 2 of the video is a discussion and prayerful meditation with scripture about opening your heart to love by letting go of worries, and being willing to receive.

From the new Angels of Abundance Cards at:

SF Source Doreen Virtue May 2017

A Heightened Sense of Vulnerability

Charles Hugh Smith –  The gap between the happy-story fantasies of easy fixes to institutionalized corruption and systemic stagnation and the fraying-rope reality is widening, straining the bonds holding the whole contraption together to the breaking point.
Am I the only one sensing an increase in systemic vulnerability? I’m not talking about TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) so much as a sense of things fraying beneath the surface of normalcy.

I for one have never seen the outpouring of negative emotional energy from partisan political disagreements. It has become more a matter of quasi-religious faith than a matter of fact as to whether the Russians “hacked” the U.S. election and the Democratic National Committee. The “facts” are highly dependent on one’s faith in this quasi-religious conflict; if you’re anti-Trump, the now-discredited report by a private firm reporting to the FBI (red flag #1–doesn’t the FBI have its own digital forensics assets? Why hire a flaky contractor to do this critically important national security work?) is the gospel truth.

if you’re in the other camp, Julian Assange’s declaration that the DNC material was offered to him by an insider is the obvious gospel truth.

There doesn’t seem to be any neutral ground left in this quasi-religious divide, and that in itself creates a heightened sense of vulnerability: if we’ve reached the point where verifiable facts no longer matter, and one’s faith in a partisan narrative is the deciding factor in what each citizen declares as “true,” we are vulnerable to a breakdown not just of consensus but discourse. Continue reading

Divine Guidance messages for April 3 – 9, 2017 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – As you let go of the old and heal from losses, your heart opens even more to Divine Love. As you go through big changes, it’s normal to have mixed emotions. In Part 1 of this video, Doreen leads prayerful meditations to help you to let go of the past, increase your faith, and comfort grief. Doreen works with and gives messages from the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes.

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