Mainstream Fake News Media Losing the Info War

fake newsTruth Hammer – It’s funny watching mainstream media try to label people like Cates & Patel Patriot as “QAnon extremists”.

Let’s have fun unpacking that a bit. These are guys who focus 100% on open source intelligence, and 0% on Q. I know Patel a bit behind the scenes and he’s been very clear that he’s never even read the Q drops, because he didn’t want any posts by an unverifiable source to influence his research (my wording, not his). Continue reading

Divorced From the Truth; Wedded to the Lies They Have Been Told

Jeff M. Lewis – I don’t know if I have ever seen people, some of whom are my family and friends, so wedded to the lies they have been told they are unable to recognize the truth. The past couple of weeks we have seen a handful of events in the news that are proof of my stated premise. It is just astounding to watch.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

At this writing, the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial has not been rendered, so the defendant is still in serious legal jeopardy and the jury could find him guilty. Within the past week, however, we have seen an incredible turn of events that has brought out an increased level of vitriol and fervor from those who favor a guilty verdict.

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The Big Truth: Election 2020 Really Was Rigged

US Elections 2020James Arlandson – Mollie Hemingway has written a blockbuster book about all the strands of deception and falsehoods that converged to take down Donald Trump on Nov. 3 and 4 and beyond (and before) in her book: Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech and the Democrats Seized Our Elections (Regnery, 2021).  I twice asked two Barnes and Noble stores in two weeks whether they had it in stock, and each time — no. So I finally had to order it online.

It has ten chapters, plus a prologue and an epilogue. The total number of endnotes is 1,243 (I added them up), many having extensive commentaries. Only a large and excellent team of researchers could put together a book like this, and she credits them by name in her acknowledgments. Continue reading

Minaj Vax Storm, Trump is Coming Back, Fed Taper Bluff [Video]

TrumpGreg Hunter – Superstar rap singer Nicki Minaj has escaped the Democrat thought plantation.  Minaj posted some true negative information about side effects from the CV19 vaccines to her millions of fans on social media last week.

The fire storm from globalist Marxist Democrats burned red hot.  Minaj alleged her family was threatened, and the White House wanted to call her to give her proper information (talking points) about vax side effects.  Minaj declined and was not happy.

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Can the Media Survive Without Half the Population?

news mediaJonathan Turley – We have often discussed the increasing bias and advocacy in major media in the United States. While cable networks have long catered to political audiences on the left or right, mainstream newspapers and networks now openly frame news to fit a political narrative. With the exception of Fox and a couple of other smaller news outlets, that slant is heavily to the left.

What is most striking about this universal shift toward advocacy journalism (including at journalism schools) is that there is no evidence that it is a sustainable approach for the media as an industry. While outfits like NPR allow reporters to actually participate in protests and the New York Times sheds conservative opinions, the new poll shows a sharp and worrisome division in trust in the media. Continue reading