Fallacy #1: Either-Or

false logicPaul Rosenberg – Before we begin covering fallacies, we should be clear on what the word means. A fallacy is a deceptive statement. It is something that is false, but is made to appear true. In other words, it is a trick of words and emotions, used to make people believe something that isn’t actually so.

But that does not mean that everyone using a fallacy is trying to hurt you. In most cases, they are doing it ignorantly, because they were deceived by the trick earlier. What they’re really doing is passing along the mistake.

So, while we want to notice deceptions (fallacies) that are thrown at us, we should remember that most of the people using them are not personally malicious; they’re acting out a malicious script that was started by others. The damage to you is the same, but their personal guilt is less. Continue reading

Think Different

Jeenyus Corner | December 27 2012

The first in a series on solutions.

consciousnessOpposite consciousness. It’s not some new age religion or a messianic approach to life. Quite simply, it’s thinking differently from how you did when a problem was created. If the problem is collectivism, then the answer is individual action. I believe this type of thinking will give those of us who understand the way the world really works a chance at survival when the mathematically unavoidable end of the dollar arrives in the near future.

Within our lives we can see this manifested easily enough by simply looking around us. Most recently it is evident in the gun control debate.

The problem: school shootings. The proposed solution? Tougher gun laws. The weapons ban crowd says mass shootings occur because we don’t have enough laws or existing ones aren’t effective enough. This purely reactionary and emotional response meets one definition of insanity: repeating a task and expecting a different result. Completely disregarding facts and logic. Replacing them with what makes a person “feel better” about the subject.

Opposite consciousness thinking: all these shootings took place where legal concealed carry was either prohibited in that state or location. Thinking people recognize the logical fallacy. Therefore, because the human experience clearly shows that the world has evil people, and that will never change; the best way to prevent gun violence is to have the means of immediately and directly resisting gun violence.

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