Ways to Heal Relationships When Your Family Is Still Asleep

powerNanice Ellis – We are all waking up! The problem is, we are each waking up at different rates. This is particularly challenging when it occurs within families.

If you are reading this, chances are you are more awake than others in your life, and maybe this presents some issues. After all, when you are awake, it can be super difficult to deal with family members, such as parents, siblings and in-laws, who are still sleeping, especially when our habitual reactions to family dynamics can cause us to go unconscious (showing us where we are still asleep ourselves.)

The key to maintaining positive relationships with our families is not in trying to wake them up, but rather in staying awake ourselves. So, if you are fortunate to be more awake than others in your family, what does it take to stay awake in the presence of those sleepy individuals?

Know Your Hook

We all have emotional hooks that when pulled enroll us back into old dynamics, causing us to fall back to sleep and forget who we really are. A hook can be an old issue or a current issue, and when this issue is activated in any way, you are hooked into reacting. If you can identify your personal hooks, you can also consciously choose to stay far away from these topics, and if someone else brings them up, you can consciously choose not to be hooked. Take a deep breath, go for a walk, or do whatever it takes to stay off the hook.  Continue reading

Angel Messages For April 18 – 24, 2016 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – The week begins with something new coming into your family, including a new family member, a new partner, a new pet, or even a new way of living as a family. This can also signify a new business venture, particularly if it helps families.


You will learn a lot this week, AND you may even go back to school to study a new career skill. Life lessons come up this week, which bring blessings to you . . . even if they’re hard-won.

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A Call for the Family of E

family Steve Rother – We greet you this day with a very unique message, for you have gathered many times not only on planet Earth but throughout the universe. There is a select group of spirits that have traveled wherever they were needed throughout the universe over and again. Many of you are collected on planet Earth right now, for you are the Family of E. Now, what does “E” stand for? Is it incredibly important that you have Es in your name? No, of course not. The E vibration that you use in your languages, which happens to be the most common sound of all languages, is also representative in other places throughout the universe. The E stands for “Empowerment” and for “Enlightenment,” or any translation of that would not actually do you justice. You are simply the Family of E, dear ones.

A Call for the Family of E

Why is the Family of E so unique and why is it a family? It’s very simple: You have a united purpose. Your intention is to be wherever the family is, because it has only recently arrived on planet Earth.

Yes, you have traversed the Universe, dear ones. You have been here incorporating your gifts, but you also have been many places throughout the Universe. You are called on when there is a need on Earth. What are the gifts of the E family? The Family of E vibration brings so much in the way of love.

One of the biggest challenges that people have is turning around and loving themselves, being able to see and embrace their own reflection in all of its perfection and imperfection. That is but a human judgment, dear ones. You understand that really what takes place here is that over time your environment—we shall simply call it a “society”—has developed certain rules and guidelines. Sometimes they are turned into laws and imposed on other people.

When humanity gets completely off track, often the guidelines created start working against them actually bringing down the vibrations instead of raising them up. That is when the call goes out to the universe for the Family of E. It went out some time ago and here you are, for you are the magicians on the Game board. You are the ones who can come in and ground your light by telling or teaching others, and being a healer, or just by being who you are. Ahh, some of you study for it.

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The Oracle Report ~ Thursday, March 3, 2016

Forest In Esbjerg, Denmark – Photo By Chalotte

Third Quarter Moon in Capricorn: complete, take responsibility

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Matangi, Goddess of the Wind

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: be open to receiving

True Alignments:  tradition, gatherings, blessings, inner beauty, producing images and art, recognizing qualifications, resolution of a family issue, utilitarianism, facts, putting the fun in something, peace, applying wisdom, favorable presentations, strong foundations

Catalysts for Change:  failure to see improvement, selling out or selling short, false flags, overreliance on appearance, unimpressed, self-sacrifice, tricks, deception, inability to delay gratification, lies, immature, unable to have fun, contempt, believing the grass is greener on the other side

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: ” a large white dove bearing a message” (important information offered)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (recalibration of human consciousness)

Today, Venus reaches 20 Aquarius, reactivating the New Moon energetic and this solar-lunar month’s energy of “a large white dove bearing a message,” doubling the power for us to receive guidance and messages from Source.

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Make “Today” Special

inspiremetoday  October 16 2013

On our deathbed, it really won’t matter how successful we were, how many awards we won or how many deals we closed. We won’t regret buying “that house” or “that car” or “that new gadget.”

We won’t long for anything other than more TIME.

Time to spend with the special people who touched our lives: our friends, our significant others, our parents, our children. Time to love, to laugh, to hug, to kiss, to cherish, to encourage, to teach lessons, to learn, to pray, to praise, to hold… time for things that no currency could ever buy.

Knowing that, as Benjamin Franklin once said: “Lost time is never found”, NOW is when we must find time. “Someday” we won’t be able to get it back.

I’ve been fortunate to have had multiple near-death experiences. They were rather scary and painful, but they each taught me to see life as a miracle and to realize that the best things in life aren’t indeed things.

Family is the central organization of society and eternity. Our family and the lifelong memories we create with them…that is what really matters!

Motherhood has taught me that it doesn’t matter how much you spend on someone, they care how much time you spend with them. Quality AND Quantity Time with those we love are extremely important for human development and happiness.

In a fast-moving world, almost at a frenetic pace; between chores, work, and overwhelm, time seems like a precious commodity that often eludes us. Put stress on hold and LIVE. It will faithfully wait for us to pick up where we left off.

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