Defining the Issues

socialismLinda Gommel – Sloppy thinking, resulting in sloppy speech and muddled ideas, pervades the right’s attempts to communicate clearly.  The sloppiness of our conservative commentariat has resulted in severe damage to our side in the battle of ideas being fought in the ongoing war for our culture.

An example: for years, even legendary communicator Rush Limbaugh and others allowed the left to get by with conflating terms like “immigration” and “illegal immigration”, and I would find myself shouting at the radio as we on the Right were smeared as haters, bigots, and anti-immigrant hypernationalists.  Only in very recent times has our side finally clarified the difference and refuted the labels, but the damage is done.

The same sort of thing has happened with the use of the term “socialism.”  That word is bandied about with little regard for its true meaning.  Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are socialists, it is said, as they push the Green New Deal.  The entire Left is sidling up to socialism and turning away from capitalism, appealing to a base of youth victimized by the failure to educate and by the success of leftist indoctrination.  The word is intentionally left fuzzy and ill-defined in order to cause confusion. Continue reading

Democrats Call For Civil War As Antifa Launch Armed ‘Red Army’

Sean Adl-Tabatabai – Democrats are encouraging Antifa to ramp up their efforts in ousting Trump from the White House by using violence against ordinary Americans.

antifaIn response to the renewed calls to prevent Trump’s second term in office, Antifa have launched a “Red Army” – armed with guns and funded by Soros. reports: Why? To “annihilate” their enemies, of course.

Really. From one of the Red Guards Austin manifestos, posted August 19th and still online:

Oppose the Counterfeit! Antifascism Must Take On a Paramilitary Character!

…The fact that no fascists were harmed in the making of this “counter-protest” only proves that the main organizers have no stomach for antifascism—for us antifascism is concrete—it does not mean simply voicing a disagreement it means stopping fascists in their tracks and hurting their efforts to the point where they stop organizing. Continue reading

Nigel Farage Drops Truth Bomb [Video]

The_Real_Fly – Always eloquent, Britain’s Nigel Farage offers his views on the current state of leftist delirium — pointing out how the younger generation have been hijacked by an agenda rich education system, indoctrinating them to not only espouse a certain ideology, but to become intolerant to opposing viewpoints. By definition, they’ve become the very thing they’re working so terribly hard to defeat: god damned fascists.

A mindset of intolerance has been normalized amongst the left, promoted by the media, even accepting violence in order to ‘stomp out’ nazis and white supremacists.

The BS has to end. They can’t keep getting away with it.

The Younger Generation Screaming ‘Fascist’ Have
Become the Thing They Loathe the Most

SF Source Zerohedge Feb. 2017

This Is How Quiet Fascism Works

quiet fascismCharles Hugh Smith – So my little-visited Wikipedia entry was minding its own business, not bothering anyone, until I dared to criticize the Clinton Foundation. The next day, my Wikipedia entry was taken out and shot by a mysterious “editor.” It was just coincidence, right, that my Wikipedia entry had been available for years without offending anyone, and then suddenly it’s deleted the day after I dared to criticize the Clinton Foundation.

Actually, I criticized all foundations, but that doesn’t matter; what mattered is that I criticized what cannot be criticized.

I guess that drone strike on my car was coincidence, too. I called a contact in DoD (Department of Defense) and he said it was logged as a “targeting error.” Of course.

Ok, so the drone strike is a “joke,” meaning it’s no joke to the thousands of people who are murdered by U.S. drone strikes outside the U.S. It’s a “joke” like Hillary Clinton asking if Wikileaks honcho Julian Assange could be eliminated by a drone strike so he could no longer release data that might embarrass her or her campaign.

Though it’s not yet illegal to ask questions, it’s certainly dangerous to do so. But let’s take a chance and ask: how do we know that drone strikes haven’t targeted critics of U.S. policy?

Do you really think the DoD, White House, CIA, NSA or State Department would admit that drones liquidated a “threat” whose “crime” was criticizing U.S. policies? I hope you’re not so naive as to believe official assurances that drones only kill people who were just about to blow up Baltimore, only we nailed them just in time.

With “threat” being defined by those in authority, what’s to stop those with power from rewarding their cronies and punishing their critics? This is the essence of quiet fascism.

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Wait a Minute – Who’s Fascist?

fascist Charles Hugh Smith – If you’re an Establishment insider, the mainstream media will give you plenty of column inches and airtime to label Donald Trump a “dangerous” fascist: for example, Democratic insider Robert Reich’s fear-mongering frenzy Donald Trump is a 21st century American fascist, in which Reich conveniently overlooks constitutional limits on any president, “fascist” or not.

In effect, Reich is announcing the Constitution is dead and powerless to limit the President. Well, if that’s the problem, then why not attack the real problem, which is the Imperial Presidency? Why not? Reich served an Imperial President as a loyal lackey, that’s why–and he remains an energetic supporter of the central state and its bread-and-circuses institutionalized serfdom.

If you’re an Establishment insider, you’ll get ample opportunities in the corporate media to label Bernie Sanders a “dangerous” socialist. You don’t even have to be a member of the “vast right-wing conspiracy” (a staple of the Clintons’ attack strategy)–any insider can get airtime to label Sanders as “dangerous”–either because he’s socialist, or because he’s not radical enough. Any attack will do, and you’ll get plenty of opportunity to flesh out any attack, no matter how biased or nonsensical.

It is of course classic Orwellian Doublespeak to label any threat to one’s power “fascist,” and to laud one’s corrupt and venal allies as “freedom fighters,” but the Establishment’s panicked reliance on accusations of fascism is new and yes, dangerous. So let’s step back and ask–precisely who’s the fascist here?

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