Cutting Energetic Cords

Cutting cords doesn’t mean, “I don’t love you or care about you anymore.” Cord cutting doesn’t necessarily lead to break-ups or abandoned relationships. It simply means that you are releasing the dysfunctional parts of your relationships. Remember, fear is the opposite of love, and etheric cords (and all attachments) are created from fear”. Doreen Virtue

Positive and negative cords

Cords are a method of high speed communication and sharing energy. Healthy cords create a nurturing sharing of information and energy. Unhealthy cords can be a huge drain or a means of control. They are attached by mutual agreement, but there are lots of ways to persuade, trick, or con people into being corded.

Often they were useful, but outlive their usefulness. The cord may have been very important when you were 2 years old, but now in adulthood it is no longer useful, but the cord is still there. Continue reading

You’ve been effectively fooled about who you are

fooled about who you are.John Smallman – You are never alone!  There is only One – and this is NOT a limitation!  You, every sentient being, are One with Source always and without interruption; for you to be separated is impossible.  However, by incarnating as a human each one of you chose to experience separation and amnesia.

The separation that you are experiencing is unreal, illusory, and when you awaken the illusion and all its effects will just dissolve, leaving behind no trace or memory whatsoever. Continue reading

Step to the Other Side of Fear

the other side of fearDr. Michelle Kmiec – Ready to live life authentically?

One of the biggest robbers of your “true self” is money. The power we give this illusion of happiness and “freedom”, if not kept in check, can destroy the essence of which you are, taking you farther away from your center – your balance. This is not in any way suggesting that earning a living and having money in the bank is a bad thing.

This is more about the “worth” that you place money in general, and the problems that arise when you find yourself moving away from your center as you strive to make millions. If you find yourself in the position of making one sacrifice after another for the sake of a paycheck, consider this a red flag that you are more than likely not on your own personal journey, but succumbing to societal influences. Continue reading

Finally, the Global Creation Phase

creationBrenda Hoffman – It is time for you to once again stand up and cheer. Not only have you claimed the light, but you have snuffed out the dark. Of course, such does not seem true given the trauma displayed daily by your media and others. But just as you once thought there was no light, you are beginning to sense that there is limited darkness.

How can all be shifted in a few days as our last message highlighted your fears and angst? Such is so because you have embraced the world’s goodness, love, and joy and negated what was once comfortable in your outer-directed world.

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blockagesVeronica – Being incarnate offers many experiences that are often unavailable in spirit. The solidness of the linear, brings creational focus to a whole new level while participating.

With that new level, there are moments where it can become tedious. It may feel like the energy holds you back at times. The feeling of being knee deep in mud when life asks you to run a relay race, simply becomes too much while living a life.

And then….. Continue reading