A $14 Trillion Extortion For A Global Warming Scam

BATR | January 28 2013

“Nobody in this country realizes that cap-and-trade is a tax – and it’s a great big one.”  ~John Dingell

The latest megalomaniacal threat from the financial globalists wants to saddle the world economy with a cost of trillions of dollars that benefits favorite corporatists. The phony global warming cult has a core purpose. Their objective is to drive down the standard of living for non-elites and prevent the use of fossil fuel energy. The fallacious science used to create a disinformation scare for politically unsophisticated “True Believers” is a direct result of transnational money manipulators. The Davos crowd sponsors the educational and media institutions that trump up junk research and manufacture idealistic solutions.

Make no mistake about it, the Davos Elites Enjoys the Global Depression, and love corporate welfare. They greatly profit from government subsidized “Green” ventures, which drive up energy costs and line the pockets of compadre companies, under the control of the financial barons. As the rest of us struggle to survive, pronouncements declare an every greater burden to bear. Note the ominous future in Davos Report Calls For Additional $14 Trillion To Restrain Global Warming.

“The world must spend an additional $14 trillion on clean energy infrastructure, low-carbon transport and energy efficiency to meet the United Nations’ goal for capping the rise in average global temperatures, according to a World Economic Forum report released on Monday.”Former Mexican President Felipe Calderon states the globalist viewpoint.

“Economic growth and sustainability are inter-dependent, you cannot have one without the other, and greening investment is the pre-requisite to realizing both goals.”

What can be expected from these “greening investment” projects? In order to anticipate future plans, a comprehensive understanding of the past and present shady business practices is crucial.

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North American Union Moves Closer After Trilateral Summit

Alex Newman | The New American | April 4 2012

President Obama hosted Mexican President Felipe Calderón and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in Washington, D.C., this week for the so-called “North American Leaders Summit,” announcing further integration of the three governments across a broad range of fields. The meeting, however, fueled deep suspicion and concern among advocates of national sovereignty and the U.S. Constitution.

According to statements released after the gathering, Obama and the leaders of Mexico and Canada discussed everything from trade and energy to security, health, and narcotics. All agreed that more integration and trilateral cooperation was needed, supposedly for the benefit of the “peoples” of the region.

“Our integration helps maximize our capabilities and makes our economies more innovative and competitive globally,” the “three amigos” claimed in a joint statement released after the summit. “Working together, we strive to ensure that North American economic cooperation fosters gains in productivity for all of our citizens.”

To achieve that, the top officials said, they will work to harmonize the laws and regulations imposed on Americans, Canadians, and Mexicans. “By eliminating unnecessary regulatory differences, smaller businesses are better equipped to participate in an integrated North American economy,” the joint statement alleged. “Success in these efforts opens the way to additional North American regulatory cooperation.”

In keeping with past “North American” integration meetings, the words “security” and “prosperity” were repeated incessantly. According to a 2005 U.S. embassy cable released by WikiLeaks, both of those terms are seen by pro-integration officials as crucial public selling points to advance the further erosion of national sovereignty.

Signed by then-American Ambassador to Canada Paul Cellucci, the document offered suggestions on how to best peddle the scheme to policymakers and the public. Among the elements to “stress” in future “efforts to promote further integration,” it explained, should be the alleged benefits of dissolving national sovereignty and getting around national constitutions.

“Our research leads us to conclude that such a package should tackle both ‘security’ and ‘prosperity’ goals,” the document explained. “This fits the recommendations of Canadian economists who have assessed the options for continental integration.”

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