Awakening the Feminine – Balancing Force vs Power

balanceSteve Rother – Greetings, dear ones. I am Merlia.

I have waited a very long time to come in and help to balance some of the energy on planet Earth. I am what the keeper calls a singularity, or singular aspect of what he has labeled as the group. I am the one who holds the feminine aspect of this collective and yes, of Merlin. It is that magic that all of you know and have known over the many lifetimes you have invested on Earth. I personally hold the flavor of light that you call feminine. I have expressed as a singularity to help the power shift that is about to begin on Earth.

Power: The Feminine Aspect

All humans are in rapid motion at this time, so please understand there is no one on planet Earth that is just taking up space. All of you have very specific purposes, intents, motions, and goals that you are moving toward and you hold a place in the new world order. I will be sharing tools specifically aimed at balancing the feminine, the power aspect and will share one with you today.

When describing masculine-feminine balance we have many illustrations that we could use, but perhaps the simplest way to think about this is force versus power. Although power is not always feminine, it is a good way to think of it during this transition. So the question becomes; how can you bring your power to the table without forcing it? That is controlled by the feminine aspect within all beings.

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Sacred Feminine Fire

feminineDana Mrkich – There is a lot of Sacred Feminine healing and awakening about this year. We have plenty of astrological alignments supporting this process, one happening this weekend as described beautifully in this article by Tara Greene and portrayed in her image below.

We are officially in a new cycle of evolution, one in which the Divine Feminine is coming in like a big Goddess lady riding a chariot. The Divine Feminine influence is one of strength from within, grounded in our bodies and our Earth, connected to knowledge here and among the stars that is ancient as ancient can be.

Yet even as I write some of what her influence is, her nature is to stop me and say “Don’t label me. Don’t box me. Don’t define what my influence is or is not. It is whatever it is for each unique individual. Don’t use me to give people yet another energy to follow or conform to. I am what I am, and each one of you reading this are who you are. Don’t let anyone define you or give you rules to define yourself by. Define yourself.” Continue reading

Self Definition

Energetic Synthesis | February 4 2012

How can I go forward if I don’t know which way I am facing? How can I go forward if I don’t know which way to turn? How can I have feelings if I don’t know what I am feeling? – John Lennon

Dear Family,

EarthDuring these last months and leading into 2012, our life circumstances have been pushing us to pay attention to participate with our inner selves and those closest to us, especially those that are sharing our living or working space. Unfinished or unresolved family dynamics and their ancestral patterns have been coming out of the woodwork – left, right and center! Every direction leads you back to squarely face that hidden place where you start getting squirmy. It is okay to get squirmy or not know where you are going, despite the declaration of insanity by some of those around you. Personal resonance and inner alignment is where it has got to be right now, no matter how eccentric, odd or unavailable you may appear to others. This is an incredibly potent time that will define the foundation of the longer term in the years to come. Regain your personal power and some sanity by admitting the squirm factor is quite high right now and it’s all going to end up okay. Really. All of that pressure has been to push to the surface some pretty unpleasant issues that brought us to this next stage of Self Definition. We are moving into a completely new Chapter of Life, without having the “actual death” of the physical body.

In previous cycles we would drop the body and reincarnate to continue the (genetic) ancestral patterns until we could learn to expand past them. This was how the soul could re-establish itself in a completely new life identity. In life cycles there is truth in the adage, “The Sins of the Fathers’ are Inherited by the Son’s.” The word “sin” is not an intended punishment by an angry god, it is the ignorance of repeating destructive acts that continue to cause one’s suffering, and to pass that pain on to the offspring. We are here during the Ascension cycle to end this painful “ancestral inheritance”. The fear of death has massively impacted humanity’s version of social behavior and cultural beliefs for eons of time. It is time to address this issue inside ourselves. In this cycle we may feel like we are dying, (phantom death) however, we are transfiguring ourselves into a completely new identity to be freed of the past. This stage of growth is where we begin to learn about the New Chapter of You. The commencement of a new curriculum for the eternal “Self Definition 101” class begins – Now!

Who are you if you never really die? How would you live right now?

Acting is Over

We have been so many different things over so many lifetimes. Like the best actors and actresses, we have lived as many identity archetypes and lived in so many cultures with many different variations of language. We have worn the hats made from many other people’s definition and expectation of us, such as the roles of mother, father, sister, brother, etc. When we are playing out these identity roles so convincingly realistic, it is believed life has a beginning and an end, a birth and a death. So as the actor’s play is ending, as it is now, humanity is literally scared to death of its own annihilation. The actors that did not know they were “play acting” in these chosen roles are getting the cattle prod to awaken to the new version of self definition. This new self can consciously choose to interact freely with its creative expressions without being suppressed or automatically run by others mind enslavement agendas.

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