Feminists Screaming about ‘Transgenderism,’ Their Own Demon Child

feministsSelwyn Duke – Say, “Be careful what you wish for” or call it the law of unintended consequences.  For decades, feminists screamed, “I am woman, hear me roar” — now it’s “Hear me squeal — a man just walked through our door!”

The issue?  Men claiming womanhood (MCW, AKA “transgenders”) are invading women’s spaces — such as bathrooms, locker rooms, and prisons — and are entering female competitions, taking away gold and glory.  Examples are MCW who in recent years won “women’s” titles in weightlifting, cycling, sprinting, golf long driving, and even a beauty pageant.

This is no pretty picture to feminists.  Wizened old Germaine Greer took heat in 2016 for saying men getting a medical procedure “doesn’t make them a woman.”  Ex-tennis star Martina Navratilova is currently being ostracized forwriting that having MCW in women’s sports is “insane” and is “cheating.”  Feminist writer Meghan Murphy just sued Twitter for banning her for tweeting “men aren’t women” (my, my — employing white male linear logic!).  And feminist Julia Beck (video below) was kicked off a Baltimore LGBT committee for using masculine pronouns when referencing, the nerve of her, a man.

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