Gold: The Myth, the Metaphor and the Manipulation

“Gold and all “currencies” are manipulated by an elite few central controllers from ancient blood line families based out of the City of London, and the move is to make all countries and the planet centrally managed by this same elite few and their affiliates. Those in the way will face retribution, as is happening again now in the Middle East and working up through the Balkan states.” ~Z Gardner


Gold has been sought after, coveted, fought over and used as a standard of monetary exchange for millennia. The reason for its intrinsic value is a subject of its own, but nonetheless it eventually became the monetary standard that it is today. Yet the world of monetary exchange in our current world is only metaphorically based on gold and has all but fully abandoned it as its true base.

Whatever the “exchange” medium, these self-acclaimed high priests hijacking humanity use it for power and control. Ironically, they themselves are hooked on their own fascination, feeding off of its control and the suffering of others attempting to find financial safety and security in their rigged system.

ZG_Gold1Meanwhile,  world bankers and plutocrats are currently amassing huge gold reserves as the world financial system approaches a major, world changing reset. Clearly something is afoot and gold is what the manipulators are fleeing to, all the while suppressing its value on the open market as they buy it up.

How we arrived here, and why, are huge subjects of research and debate. One thing we know, whether or not a currency is attached to gold, as well as the idea of personal holdings of gold, are extremely important subjects on which to get a fundamental grasp. Nevertheless, the deeper aspects regarding the value and true meaning of gold within earth’s historical context is well worth investigating as clearly the “powers that be” of every age have attached great importance to it.

Forbidden History and the Build Up to Today

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How Inflation Helps Keep The Rich Up And The Poor Down

LudwigvonMisesInstitute  May 31 2014

Banking is fraudulent whenever bankers sell uncovered or only partially covered money substitutes that they present as fully covered titles for money.” ~ J. G. Hülsmann

The production of money in a free society is a matter of free association. Everybody from the miners to the owners of the mines, to the minters, and up to the customers who buy the minted coins — all benefit from the production of money. None of them violates the property rights of anybody else, because everybody is free to enter the mining and minting business, and nobody is obliged to buy the product.

cartoon_bernankeThings are completely different once we turn to money production in interventionist regimes, which have prevailed in the West for the better part of the past 150 years. Here we need to mention in particular two institutional forms of monetary interventionism: (fraudulent) fractional reserve banking and fiat money. The common characteristic of both these institutions is that they violate the principle of free association. They enable the producers of paper money and of money titles to expand their production through the violation of other people’s property rights.

Banking is fraudulent whenever bankers sell uncovered or only partially covered money substitutes that they present as fully covered titles for money. These bankers sell more money substitutes than they could have sold if they had taken care to keep a 100-percent reserve for each substitute they issued.

The producer of fiat money (in our days, typically, paper money) sells a product that cannot withstand the competition of free-market moneys such as gold and silver coins, and which the market participants only use because the use of all other moneys is severely restricted or even outlawed. The most eloquent illustration of this fact is that paper money in all countries has been protected through legal-tender laws. Paper money is inherently fiat money; it cannot thrive but when it is imposed by the state. Continue reading

The Rothschild IMF Bankster Fiat Death Machine [Audio]  April 10 2014

A 2014 precious metals discussion with researcher Michael Noonan from Edge Trader Plus. Michael reminds us that Gold and Silver ARE MONEY. He also reminds us that all of the gold in Fort Knox is gone, and the elite’s don’t want to call attention to what’s NOT there.


The elite – the Rothschilds and Rockefellers do not want gold and silver to be in competition with their FIAT currencies, so they malign the precious metals without end. Join us for this wide ranging, in-depth conversation.

Bitcoin: The World’s First Cryptographic Commodity February 3 2013

One result has repeated itself without fail throughout history. Every fiat currency ever created has dropped to zero and ended in horrible failure for the majority of its users, while benefiting those that destroy it. The reins of this economic self destruct mechanism are carefully tended by the worlds power structure while they position their own assets in such a way to profit from the fire sale as the rest of the world struggles to survive.

This pattern has repeated itself ever since the first cuneiform tablet was forged, just after the abstract concept of money was created. Since that time society relied completely on evolving technology to verify and preserve the institution of money as it was originally intended, and others continually worked to break that system for personal gain. Because this has been an expensive and complicated task in the past, people have always relied on a centralized institution to control the common wealth. This has always left people vulnerable to this central point of control being hijacked and used against the common wealth, until now.

The creation of Bitcoin is a historical landmark in the evolution of money. For the first time in human history there is a system of trade that is not under the control of a centralized system, and is in fact designed to prevent such controls. It also includes a few never before seen features enabling people to use publicly known open source mathematical calculations to ensure that the Bitcoin can only be spent once. A finite number of Bitcoins will be created, and the probability of generating them decreases as new users join the system. These are the key tenets of the Bitcoin system.

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Reconnecting With The Spirit Of Money


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consciousnessIt has come to my attention time and time again that lightworkers or people who are on their soul journey seem to be poor. They seem to have a lot of problems attracting money into their lives.

Obviously it’s not everybody who is like this but it has been quite a strong pattern among healers, psychics, and even ascension workers. I’m not going to go into why this is, because basically, that’s not important. However, I do want to point out that you will have to work through your own personal blocks that are creating this particular problem in your life and the exercise that we are going to do later is going to allow you to identify what your particular problem is and fix it, heal it. After you learn this exercise you really need to do it once or twice a day, preferably after you’ve done your meditation

The most important thing about money that you need to understand is that it’s an energy being, it’s alive.

Think of it like an Elemental, a very powerful, very important Elemental.

I would go on to say that it’s probably the most important Elemental in your life today. That’s because of the nature of the world we’re living in. Especially if you’re living in a Western country, where you need to have money to survive.

Money allows you to do the most basic things, such as drinking fresh water, having somewhere to live, having clothes on your body, being able to express yourself creatively. Eating every day. The most basic things in life come through with your exchange of money, therefore it is extremely important.

Another aspect of money I would like you to understand is that money is not evil. Some people will use money in a negative way, but money itself has nothing negative about it. Once you identify and you contact the energy of money, you’ll see it for yourself. There is absolutely nothing negative about money. It’s all-inclusive, it’s creative, it’s nurturing. It’s warm, it’s beautiful. And I want you to be able to experience this.

For this exercise you’re going to need some money to hold. Notes are better than coins but if you don’t have any at the moment, the coin will do. But next time, try to have a note, and the bigger the note the better.

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