The Rape of the West

central bankPaul Rosenberg – I wanted to find a less ugly title for this article, but I couldn’t find one that still conveyed the depth of the crimes that are under way. So, apologies where they are due.

In this post, I’m going to give you an overview of what is going on and an outline of how the schemes work. I am not going to “prove” everything I write with citations and math. That’s an important thing to do, but today I’ll pass. If you doubt anything I write here, do your own research: Find the facts, question them, compare them, and forge your own opinions.

What’s Happening

Right now, people who can fairly be called the “ruling elite” are bleeding the West dry, and many of them are fully aware of what they’re doing. Others are simply “doing what works” and hiding behind slogans like “it’s all legal” that help them bypass morality.

These people are doing this rather urgently at the moment, because the financial system is poised for a collapse. The system has been propped up with many trillions of dollars, but the debts within it will never be repaid. Once the reality of that can no longer be evaded, the hypnotic confidence people have in the system will break.

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