A Thunder Being Nation

“When I was a boy I heard the old people tell about a great wicasa wakan  (a spiritual man) who did wonderful things; and his name was Wooden Cup. He had a vision of the Great Mysterious One, and that is how he got his power. He could make fire with his fingers, just by touching the wood; and he could see far off into the days that were going to be when babies that were not yet born would be walking with their canes.

He saw it and he said it.

A strange people would come from the sunrise, and there would be more of them than bison. The bison would turn to white bones on the prairie. The mother earth would be bound with bands of iron. The sacred hoop of our people would be broken by the evil power of the strangers, and in time we would live in little square gray houses, and in those houses we would starve.”

He said it, and we have seen it.” – The wisdom of Eagle Elk 1851- 1945

Creating Fire

weekendElva Thompson – If you are a gassed avid reader of my articles you will already be up to speed with what I’m going to talk about and, the understandings that go with it.

We’ll start with Wooden Cup – He could make fire just by touching the wood with his fingers.

The intellectual hive mind cannot grasp the understanding that a fire can be started with a finger. They have no intuitive awareness and think shamanism and energy modulation is superstitious BS or an act of quackery.

So how did Wooden Cup start a fire with his fingers? Continue reading

Oracle report – Friday, November 20, 2015

“Heart Of The Home Fire” – photo by L Walker

First Quarter Moon in Pisces: step out, take action

Goddess of Wisdom: Kamala, The Lotus Goddess

God of Will/Desire: Elias, God of the West, God of Transformation

Skill: join with others; join with yourself

True Alignments: being interested, relaxation, fun, standing up for others or self, lenient, recognizing patterns, channels of information, grace, insight, sharing, completing, efficient, ventures, patience

Catalysts for Change: taking individual credit for group work, restless, being demanding (that needs be met), not resting when needed, tricks, fake, contempt, always joking and never serious, madness, messing around, highly judgmental, competitive egos, not able to deliver what is touted

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a woman drawing aside two dark curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Greetings, wise owls, and welcome back!

The Sabian Symbol for this lunar month, “the woman drawing aside two dark curtains…” is designed to open things up – all kinds of things.  We are “parting the way” within ourselves — parting darkness or parts of us that seek light and expression.  These are sacred pathways that are led by the heart; it guides the way.  When hearts open en masse, as they are this month, dramatic shifts in consciousness occur.  The human collective transforms. Continue reading

Smart Meters: What Consumers Can Do To Get Them Removed

…[B]y enabling two-way, real-time communications, smart meters can give customers the information they need to control their own energy use and reduce their electricity cost,” so said Jim Marston, a ‘smart meter’ supporter with the Environmental Defense Fund. [1] [CJF emphasis added]

That, obviously, is only one part of the serious issues regarding electromagnetic energy technology known as ‘Smart Meters’. So, if SMs can communicate information out of your house, what is it sending and to whom, especially if it’s transmitted via microwaves? Hopefully—or, is it only theory—that moment-by-moment surveillance data cannot be intercepted by anyone, including burglars or other identity thieving individuals. Regardless, there are serious doubts about that information’s security and risks. Moreover, there are dubious and rightful concerns that the information generated within every ‘smart-metered’-home is being sold to special interest commodity producers as ‘leads’ for their merchandising campaigns!

As far as enabling the reduction of electricity costs for consumers, everyone complains that since a ‘smart meter’ was placed on their house, their electric bills have DOUBLED! So much for transparency and truth-in-advertising! Remember when consumers were sold a bill of goods that nuclear-power-generated electricity would be so cheap, that it wouldn’t have to be metered? [2] Continue reading