Why you’d have to be a complete idiot to take a flu shot [Podcast]

flu shotMike Adams – The scientific truth about flu shots and the human immune response is that flu shots only work for people who don’t need them.

People who are immuno-compromised — who might actually benefit from viral exposure rehearsal — have no ability to build antibodies in response to the vaccine. Thus, the flu shot is wasted on them.

On the other hand, people who show a strong immune response to a flu shot are the very same people with healthy, active immune systems that can easily handle influenza exposure without a vaccine!

Flu shots, in other words, only “work” on people who don’t need them. But they FAIL on those they claim to protect.

Hear the truth about flu shot fraud at the Health Ranger Report podcast

If you want to hear the full truth about the flu shot fraud, listen to my podcast at the Health Ranger Report, my new podcast website.

The Health Ranger Report podcast is also available via this link on iTunes, so you can subscribe to the podcast and hear every episode.

SF Source Natural News  Dec 2015

Dementia now striking people in their 40s as mercury from vaccines causes slow, degenerative brain damage

– Dementia and other neurological brain diseases are striking people younger and younger, according to a new study conducted by researchers from Bournemouth University in England and published in the journal Surgical Neurology International. These diseases have reached levels that are “almost epidemic,” the researchers said, and they reached them so quickly that environmental factors must be largely to blame.

“The rate of increase in such a short time suggests a silent or even a ‘hidden’ epidemic, in which environmental factors must play a major part, not just ageing,” lead researcher Colin Pritchard said. “Modern living produces multi-interactional environmental pollution but the changes in human morbidity, including neurological disease is remarkable and points to environmental influences.”

Death rates have more than doubled

The researchers compared the rates of neurological brain diseases in 21 Western countries from 1989 to 2010. They found that as of 2010, the average rate of onset for dementia was 10 years earlier than it was in 1989. In addition, deaths from neurological disease had increased significantly in people aged 55 to 74 and had nearly doubled in people aged 75 and older. Continue reading