Focus, Feeling, and Happiness

Focus, Feeling, and HappinessThe Angels – You are here on earth during one of the most incredibly rapid times of expansion humanity has ever experienced. The challenges and contrasts of the last few years have inspired your desires to grow at an extremely rapid rate.

Your feelings are coming to the surface as never before. For some of you, this is incredibly exciting. You are reconnecting with dreams long buried as well as brand-new desires.

For some, this is very frustrating because you feel your heart’s desires strongly but don’t yet trust the universe to bring what you desire to you. For others, it is a scary time because you fear that if you make the changes you want, you may upset your life or those around you. Continue reading

Maintain Balance. This is the way of the master

Maintain BalanceRebecca Couch – These are troubled times. It is the boiling up of the broth that emits the steam, but also purifies it in the process. What is no longer required is alchemized into the ethers. Do what you can to stay grounded and centered in these times, however that works for you. The trees and natural elements are masterful at helping with this.

Stay in your visceral senses that keep you in your body. Stay hydrated and rested. Be vigilant over your mind that it does not carry you away into lower frequency places. Do not entertain fear in any regard. Remember the pure innocence of the child that plays without outer attention at all? This is a good place to start.

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Learn to focus the energy that creates worlds

 learn to focus the energy that creates worldsThe Angels – While we always advocate reaching for the best feeling you can find and being as positive as you can be, we understand that there are times when you just can’t find a positive thought. Sometimes you stumble into a well-practiced, deeply conditioned set of beliefs. Instead of possessing your own mind, you feel possessed by it. Take heart. There is a way out of those mental “spin-cycles.”

Start by being kind to yourself. Give yourself a hug. Talk sweetly to yourself. In our unconditional love, we would say to you at these times, “It’s OK that you’re angry. We love you. God loves you.” “It’s OK that you’re in deep grief. You love so much and want something so deeply. You’ll get there.

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Abilities You Need as You Close in on the 5th Dimension

notice where you place your focusDaniel Scranton –  Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very appreciative of all of you who have decided to open yourselves up to us and to our energetic transmissions. We see you all as extensions of us, and we invite you to see us as extensions of you. We know that the connection becomes stronger between beings when there is focus, when there is desire, and when there is strong feeling. Therefore, we always get excited when another human starts to put their attention on us, and we especially love it when we can feel you all feeling our energy. It is a very good sign for the human being in question as well, because it means that you have raised your vibration to a level where we are perceptible to you. Continue reading

What are you for?

focusThe Angels – What are you for? We’re not asking in the generic sense. We’re offering you a tool that you can ask yourself any time you find yourself in the position of feeling that you are against something.

In a culture of complaints, you empower what you are complaining about… simply because you place your strong focus upon it. Right now upon your planet, there are so many people focusing on viruses, and variants, that your pandemic has gone on long past when it could have ended. Focus is focus, whether positive or negative and focus tunes you into a given reality in the field of all possibility. Continue reading