Can’t Lose Weight? Ask Yourself These 5 Questions

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scalesAh, weight loss. If there is one topic that is both heavily and emotionally charged, and at the same time talked about like it is no big deal, weight loss would be that topic.

There are a million and a half theories out there on what the best method for losing weight is, and to be honest, most of them have their valid points. There is no shortage of weight loss information – you could spend the rest of your life reading books, listening to lectures and chatting with experts, learning all there is to learn on the subject.

But even with this abundance of information, for many weight loss is still a really tough endeavour. I think we have all come to the conclusion that calories in versus calories out is only a very small fraction of the puzzle that is long term healthy weight loss, and I believe that most of us now understand that there is so much more to it than what you eat. Continue reading