No NeoCons Mr Trump!

RE: No Bolton, No Abrams! No Bush Jr/Cheney Advisors Should be in your Administration.

Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD – For over fourteen years, people like myself, have been uncovering the malfeasance committed by Bush Jr/Cheney/Condi/Rumsfeld with regard to the 9/11 false flag/stand down. Do NOT listen to the casino magnate, Sheldon Adelson, Jared’s favorite consigliere, concerning who should become the key players in your administration.

Whether it was for convenience or whatever else, you and your team had asked your supporters whom we would want in our future government. Key mention was made in blogs and radio shows [including Alex Jones] that the neo-cons, whom we veterans called, chicken hawks, are completely unacceptable.

Condi, Stephen Hadley, Bolton, Abrams and the rest of the Bush Jr/Cheney administration lied to America about the need for an Iraq War. You have publicly recognized that very same concern. These neocons are like rats on a sinking ship who scurry about Trump Tower to incur influence in your administration after having signed, ‘Never Trump’ petitions!

John Bolton is a nice guy with a bad mustache. Yet, he is not intellectually equipped to develop any new strategies or tactics for an effective new foreign policy. He is like most of the neocons, an active draft-dodger during the Vietnam War, who espouses wars and conflicts ad nausea.

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