Destiny And Free Will

“When you step back and see destiny and free will from a wider perspective, you realize that nothing has to be absolute. If every event in your life were pre-ordained, there would be no such thing as free will or self-determination. As we do have free will, destiny cannot be fixed.” – O K Waters

OwenKWatersIn the Old Reality, things were seen as opposites – hot or cold, black or white, good or bad, this way or that way. In the expanded view of New Reality consciousness, life is seen in a unified way. Opposite sides of the coin are viewed, not as polar opposites, but rather as just being different aspects of the one coin.

In the New Reality view of the world, the opposite extremes of hot and cold become variable degrees of warmth. Black and white become, instead, endless shades of gray. Good and bad become different shades of human nature and these can be viewed without the judgment and fear that comes with Old Reality, polarized thinking.

In the Old Reality, destiny and free will were seen as mutually exclusive. The reasoning was that, if destiny exists, then it controls everything and, therefore, free will does not exist. On the other hand, you can prove that free will does exist by making a choice. So, as the thinking goes, if free will does exist, then there can be no destiny. Continue reading

Kaleidoscope Of Wholeness

DanaMrkich  May 6 2014

danaMrkichAs a writer, sometimes a phrase comes out that makes you want to jump up and say yes love that!! “Kaleidoscope of wholeness” was one such phrase that emerged onto the page as I was writing my Let Love In course (current intake underway, next intake will be August!).

Here’s how it came out: “If you want a healthier, deeper, more connected love relationship, one of the things you are really looking for is to experience authentic emotional intimacy with someone. You want someone who can see you, the real, true you, and who isn’t afraid to see the wounded you. You want to feel safe in showing your kaleidoscope of wholeness to someone, which consists of a whole cast of characters and related issues. Likewise, you want someone who is willing and able to show you their wholeness.”

The kaleidoscope of wholeness honours that we are all works in progress on this evolutionary journey!

(c) Dana Mrkich 2014

Choice Matters, Especially Now

Shift Frequency Highlights August 25 2013

It seems to me the greatest power we’ve been granted is freewill choice. We can choose to be life affirming and uplift humanity via our thoughts, words and actions. Or we can choose to let a mostly self-elected governing class decide what’s what for the collective and ignore all evidence signaling  “Elite Trap Ahead. Proceed Only If Mind Controlled.”

Loss of freewill choice is the primary reason humanity finds itself virtually imprisoned in its planetary experience and, for all practical purposes, stripped of the desire to actualize life-affirming interdependencies.

For the most part the human collective remains clueless regarding the true motivations of its governing class. This bloodline-selected privileged minority knows the easiest way to get and keep control is to remove freewill choice from humanity while maintaining the illusion that choice exists. To that end they cleverly construct a “void of choice” paradigm comprising: Continue reading

Programming And Conditioning

Divine Trickster | January 6 2013

Excerpt from the book Common sense of Magic

BehaviorYou are programmed to function in a certain way, but you are conditioned by your environment to function in another, and this is what is creating a tension field inside yourself, and in the world.

You are conceived to receive information that you can perceive.

Like a flower, you carry a seed of information, which will naturally unfold if you let it. What you are designed to receive and express of information is determined by the information in your seed; your genetics. The suffering occurs when there is a distortion between what you receive and what you express, and the distortion comes from the way you interpret the information that you receive. How you interpret what you perceive is based on what you havelearned to value and believe to be true in your childhood, which again is conditioned by the cultural environment in which you grow up.

Inside the womb you have a perfect DNA – the quantum instructions of your design – ready to go. When you take your first breath the concept of time and space is born. I am here and you are there. You are no longer entangled with your mother, but have become a separate individual ready to explore your creation. Your mother feeds you and teaches you everything with her boundless affection, love and concern. Your father becomes your second teacher and does also offer his affection, love and concern in boundless measure. Family situations may not be, as we know, as glorious as described here, but it is nevertheless the most wished for and natural way in which you are brought into this world. Your first teachers are of equal value and of equal importance.

In later years you become a student and you will learn many subjects from many teachers. You will eventually get an education and some work experience and become a man of knowledge. All these years may have brought you what you have worked for; satisfaction, more satisfaction and a deeper and more fulfilling satisfaction.

But in spite of that, you may experience a vague restlessness inside, as if there is something more to life than what you have yet discovered. You have got earth knowledge, you may have become an authority on a particular subject, you may know how to behave in various settings and you may even be financially wealthy.

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