The Biological Chip In Our Cells

fosar-bludorf | September 2012

Revolutionary results of modern genetics

Light is in principle the oldest and most important food of the world, and still in addition – understood as electromagnetic wave – a perfect storage medium.

We know today that life in the universe is a process which is always swiming against the river. Physics predicts that everything in nature is going towards a condition of a thermal equilibrium. With every energy consuming process always also warmth is produced, which cannot be completely reconverted into work energy. This is well-known to each power station operator.

The universe favours disorder and decay rather than order and structure.

In such an environment an organism can temporarily exist only because it constantly supplies new order structures to its body using energy , briefly said: by taking up food regularly.

For this the plants found the simplest and most direct way. With help of their leaf pigment chlorophyll they developed a procedure, in order to produce sugar from carbon dioxide of air and water using light. Plants thus predominantly nourish themselves from light. They take up energy and order condition from light particles (photons), which they integrate into their organism, thus robbing them their freedom of movement and building up own order conditions of their bodies again and again.

The animals and humans however have a metabolism which is based not on chlorophyll, but on haemoglobin, the red blood coloring material. They therefore cannot convert light to food by photosynthesis, but have to nourish themselves eating plants or other animals. They are thus rather parasites of the plant world, which also could exist without us – we however not without them. We should always keep this in mind, when we clear further forests from pure profit thinking.

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