The Removal Of Gaia’s 3D Matrix

gaiaSusanne Lie – Today I heard in my mind a message about the vision of Earth, post the removal of the 3D Matrix. As far as I understand, the 3D Matrix is a construct that was created after the loss of Earth’s protective dome, then the fall of Lemuria, and finally, the fall of Atlantis.

By the time of the fall of Atlantis, Gaia became tipped on Her axis, which greatly diminished Her planetary ability to self-heal, as well as Her ability to activate Her Divine Plan of eventually raising Her resonance into the frequency field of the fifth dimension.

Dear Arcturians, am I correct in my understanding? I am asking you this question now and within this manner because I am receiving another book about life during the very beginnings of Gaia’s transition into fifth dimensional Earth. Can you please assist me?

Dear Suzille, as you are somewhat aware, the reason why you are even asking us this question is because you are just beginning to “consciously” receive the information that you speak of above, which will be your next book.

We have directed you to write this message in a particular manner to remind all who may read it that, as all of you move more and more into the “back waters” of the fifth dimension, your concept of sequential time will be greatly challenged. Continue reading

The Inner Stairway

gaiaDr. Suzanne Lie – Sharman here. I have returned from my last visit to Earth as a “normal human.” I have learned a lot and wanted to share with you what I have discovered. Of course, many of you on Earth are familiar with what I will say.

However, I am hoping that my perception of your current reality may, in some manner, assist you with the many challenges that you are currently facing in your third/fourth dimensional versions of reality.

There are massive changes taking place within the body of dear Gaia, as well as within the hearts and minds of many of Her humans. On the other hand, there are many other humans who appear to be going backwards into fears, lies, and deceit, rather than forward into unconditional love and cosmic truth.

It is quite common for a reality on the cusp of transmutation to experience this dualistic form of reality. What is occurring is that the inhabitants of Gaia are deciding if they are ready to look deep within to clear their OWN old fears.

Once their own fears are consciously acknowledged and forgiven, they can better welcome the new versions of reality that are based on love and unity. During this energetic transition into the next octave of your consciousness, your “primary version of reality” will shift from day to day.

Sometimes your reality will feel this shift many times a day, or even an hour. Many times there will be myriad “visions of other realities” flying through your awareness faster than you can interpret. Therefore, you will need to remember to go into your “Inner Space.”

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Release the Polarity of Rising and Falling

Preparing For First Contact – Shelia’s Story

gaiaSuzanne Lie, Ph.D – We see that many of the humans, on all areas of your planet, are beginning to awaken and/or are fully awake to the NOW of what is occurring within and on your ever-changing planet.

We say “in and on” because, just as you humans are transmuting into your Light-body SELF from within the Kundalini Force in the core of your Earth bodies, Gaia is transmuting into Her fifth dimensional, Light-body planet via Her Core and Central Crystals in the center of Her planetary body.

Do you see how YOU are the planet and GAIA is you? It was when we Pleiadians came into that realization, many eons ago, that our society began our shift into our fifth dimensional expressions. As a society, we had mastered space travel, but our collective consciousness had not yet expanded into the fifth dimension.

It was once we found our safe home in the Pleiadian Cluster that we turned inward to find our highest expressions of SELF and to reflect that inner glow of SELF out into our daily life. We realize that Earth has not felt “safe” for many ages. In fact, not since the fall of Atlantis.

However, many of you who experienced the dream of Earth that was first grounded into the ancient land known as Lemuria, have taken incarnations in this NOW to assist with the completion of the ongoing cycle of “rise to peak society,” then “fall into destruction of a civilization,” then “reconstruction from the destruction” to be followed by another cycle of “rising into peak society.”

We Pleiadians finally, after also having many incarnations on dear Gaia’s Earth, found within our new world in the Pleiades how to release the polarity of “rising” and “falling” to live within the “in between” of “Unity with ALL Life.”

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The Arcturians With Mother Gaia

“Please remember that your intention sets the frequency of your endeavor. When you hold the intention of service to your self, your consciousness resonates to the third dimension. Conversely, when you hold the intention of serving Planet Gaia and ALL my inhabitants, your consciousness resonates to fifth-dimensional Unity Consciousness.” ~ Mother Gaia

consciousnessAs you leave the fourth-dimensional Causal Mystery School you look up to see what resembles light sparkling off the surface of the water. You are drawn to follow that ever-present flow of liquid light as it pulls you towards the glistening surface.

As you move upwards to the expanding flow of spiritual light, you hear a call from a presence that you recognize as your SELF. Instinctively, you know that your “I AM Presence” is calling you from inside the Spiritual Mystery School.

Are you ready to join that expression of your self? Do you love yourself enough to accept the honor of returning to your own spiritual essence? Have you completed your journey through the land of form?

These types of questions continually bombard your awareness. But, slowly you move beyond questions. You move beyond doubt and into the essence of the Spiritual Sub-plane of the fourth dimension.

But this sub-plane does not feel as though it is a stop along your journey. Instead, it appears to be a final portal through which you will travel to return to who you have always been. You are somewhat shocked that you can give yourself such a compliment without your ego reminding you not to be conceited.

However, as you look around inside your Self, you find that somewhere along your journey you have lost your ego. You did not abandon your ego or judge your ego. You just stopped thinking about who you should be and who they want you to be.

In fact, the terms “should” and “they” no longer have meaning. You ARE THEM, and THEY ARE you. Therefore, terms like “you should” are replaced with statements such as “I AM.”

“I AM” is no longer the preface of what you are doing, such as “I am going to the store.” I AM has become the identification of the new SELF that you are becoming.

It has been a long journey from the physical plane and through the sub-planes of the fourth dimension. As you entered each sub-plane, you opened a portal through the frequency of the fourth dimension through which the glistening light of your own I AM Presence can flow.

As you open the next portal, you will blend your I AM Presence with your fifth-dimensional Light Body to complete your opened portal between Gaia’s third dimensional planet and the multidimensional light of the fifth dimension.

Your I AM Presence is the YOU that stands at this threshold awaiting the NOW in which you can merge again with your true Multidimensional SELF. We say “again” as you have temporarily merged with your Multidimensional SELF myriad times in many incarnations. Continue reading

Gaia The Great!

July the 8th is the ideal day to remember the greatness and compassion of this goddess of light, and to express our deep-felt gratitude for the home that she selflessly provides us.” O K Waters

OwenKWatersYou may wonder why human consciousness suddenly started to rise in frequency in the 1960’s. People started to question the old ways of corruption and conflict and many began searching for spiritual answers in the teachings of the East. The actual start date of this renaissance in human consciousness was July 8th, 1964. 

On that day in 1964, the Mother Earth was imbued with an enormous amount of cosmic energy. Now, because she has billions of human beings under her care and protection, she chose to store this cosmic energy within her body and then release it gradually over an extended period of time so that we could adapt to it. For the sake of humanity, she metered out this uplifting cosmic energy in a way that enabled us to adapt to higher frequencies in a balanced fashion. She could see that we needed to be able to upgrade our consciousness in preparation for the new, positive cycles that would begin to unfold after 2012. 

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