The Choice

Looking the wrong way

“In Western civilization the interior life of the individual, with all its richness, finds itself relegated to a minor role in existence. Man is so caught up in the toils of mechanical life that he has neither time to stop or the power of attention needed to turn his mental vision upon himself. Man thus passes his days absorbed by external circumstances. The great machine that drags him along turns without stopping, and forbids him to stop under penalty of being crushed. Today like yesterday, and tomorrow like today, he quickly exhausts himself in the frantic race, impelled in a direction which in the end leads nowhere. Life passes away from him almost unseen, swift as a ray of light, and man falls engulfed and still absent from himself.” – Boris Mouravieff. Gnosis


Elva Thompson – Stirring words from Boris Mouravieff and so very true. Modern man has been engineered to live half a life….to experience only one side of his being. (See Crying for a Dream) He has been manipulated to look to the physical world for answers to his problems, and does not realise there is an inner world of spectacular potential hidden from his ‘sight’. Neither does he understand that all manifested form has an energetic cause.

Two pillars-two poles

“The principle of Polarity-embodies the truth that all manifested beings have two sides; two aspects; two poles; a pair of opposites, with manifold degrees between the two extremes.” – The Kybalion.

The two pillars depicted in esoteric symbolism represent the forces of duality: matter and spirit; dark and light. Most people tend to think in terms of opposites, and believe the two aspects of polarity are separate and independent of each other. They cannot comprehend that rather than being separate, opposites are in varying degrees the manifestation of a single principle.

It is the law of duality and personality polarity that binds man’s limited awareness to the matrix game of opposites. A game he cannot escape until he wakes up to the understanding that his world has been ‘set up’ for him-as a ‘whirled’ of conflict.

The set-up

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The Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, May 6, 2015

gameFull Moon in Sagittarius: realizations, illumination

Goddess of Wisdom: Chinnamasta (Goddess Who Expands The Mind)

God of Will: Ian (God of the East)

Skill: lighten up

True Alignment: combining talents and ideas with others, compromising, looking beneath the surface, adjusting to conditions as they change, taking the best of what’s around and creating from there, creating/playing music, paying attention, connection with the divine

Catalysts for Change: complaining, taking credit for other’s work, things hidden beneath other things, struggling, jealousy, overloaded, demanding others provide something for us, uncompromising, attempts to control others, arguments, losing the goal

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month/Year: “the music of the spheres”

In line with yesterday’s astrological dynamic of “Thor’s Hammer” or “The Fist of God,’ a coronal mass ejection from an X2.7-class solar flare was released yesterday at 6:11 pm ET/10:11 pm UT. The CME activated the energetic of 6 degrees of Sagittarius and the Sabian symbol “a game of cricket.”

This symbol references the game of cricket, specifically, which implies situations where gaps need to be covered. The game involves everyone working together as a team. But, in the end, it is just a game. Continue reading