How the Schools Got Queered

queer agendaSally Zelikovsky – Years back, when I lived in Northern California, a huge controversy erupted in a town called Novato about implementing a pro-LGB curriculum and movie called That’s a Family in the elementary schools.  Parents were outraged, including liberals, and it made national news for months.

California was the epicenter for gay education/indoctrination in the schools, and I was fully enmeshed in these issues, with kids in public and private schools in Marin and San Francisco.  The school my kids attended at the time was grappling with the same That’s a Family brouhaha.

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The Dark Secrets Of The Catholic Church Are Starting To Come Out

catholicMichael Snyder – We aren’t supposed to talk about what goes on behind closed doors when the cameras are off and the public can’t see what is happening.  There is corruption in virtually every large organization, but those that hold themselves out as “spiritual leaders” need to understand that they are going to be held to a higher standard than everyone else.  And when those “spiritual leaders” greatly violate the trust that the public has put in them, the fallout can be absolutely devastating.  In this article you are going to read about some things that are deeply disturbing.  An immense wave of evil has swept through major religious organizations, and the Catholic Church is certainly no exception.

Most people know that Catholic priests are supposed to be celibate, but most people also know that this is often not the case.  But what some priests in Italy has been involved in is shaking the Vatican to the core.  The following comes from USA Today

Lurid accusations of priests involved in sex orgies, porn videos and prostitution have emerged from several parishes in Italy recently, sending shock waves all the way to the Vatican and challenging the high standards Pope Francis demands of clergy.

In the southern city of Naples, for example, a priest was recently suspended from the parish of Santa Maria degli Angeli over claims he held gay orgies and used Internet sites to recruit potential partners whom he paid for sex.

What was that priest thinking?

Surely he had to know that this stuff would come out eventually.

But often those in positions of power convince themselves that they can cover up their scandals forever.  Of course usually it doesn’t end up working that way.

Another Catholic priest is being accused of having up to 30 different loversContinue reading