All-Out Assault on All Life on Earth [Video]

WigingtonGreg Hunter – Dane Wigington, founder of the global climate engineering informational website,, says climate manipulation, commonly referred to as chemtrails, is the number one factor in destroying the planet and much of humanity. Wigington contends, “We have now enough data to prove that the greatest destructive factor, by far, on the ozone layer is geoengineering (chemtrails). It’s disrupting the hydrological cycle and disrupting the planet. We have governmental agencies that are set up to hide this fact from the population or to mask it. . . .

We are seeing UVB levels that are a 1,000 % more than we are being told. . . . We have all the data being skewed to hide the severity of what is happening from the population for as long as possible. . . . We have friends behind the curtain that know this is going on and want it to stop. . . . I truly believe we have a growing number of allies behind the curtain that want this to stop as bad as we do. Let’s hope that is true and our allies grow because this is truly an all-out assault on all life on earth.

How long can we hold our breath? Any breath we take is laden with these materials. We absolutely know it from lab testing. It’s not speculation or theory or conjecture. We see the human health statistics that are associated with this. The massive Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism and COPD. . . . Anyone who looks up, they can see how incredibly obvious this monstrosity is in our skies.”

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Is All That We See Really What’s Going On?

Catherine J. Frompovich – As 2015 winds down to ebb away into sanitized history books, we probably are looking anxiously toward 2016 for what the coming year portends globally. However, shouldn’t we do a reality check and remind ourselves that how we perceive what’s going on in the world around us and how it’s portrayed for us by governments and the media actually may be at realistic odds and far from factual?

weatherThe above cartoon is admirable insofar as it is trying to tell something we need to re-evaluate, in my opinion. Nonetheless, that just may not be what’s really going on, e.g., Mother Nature wreaking havoc upon us mortals and contrasting her weather violence with the unimaginable actions of zealots who believe in causes so resolutely, even to committing calculated suicide missions.

Personally, I think there are some differences between the two crises illustrated. For the first difference, I’d like to suggest that both crises result from HUMAN actions. Admittedly, we see the aftermath of terrorists’ actions on the nightly news; the gun battles; drone sorties; plus the foreign intrigue that accompanies infiltration into homelands and young, apparently delusional minds.

The second difference is what we don’t see on the nightly news or in the weather forecasters’ prognostications. They never talk about weather geoengineering taking place on a global scale or explain weather systems that they see on their radar as anomalies. What’s going on that’s affecting Mother Nature really is “weather geoengineering” enabled by scientifically-sanctioned aerial spray jobs colloquially known as “chemtrails.” Continue reading

Chemtrails, HAARP, And The “Full Spectrum Dominance Of Planet Earth” [Audio]

We are entering a Space Age, but not the kind President Kennedy originally envisioned. This Space Age is replacing resource wars and redefines planet Earth as a “battle space” in accordance with the military doctrine of “Full-Spectrum-Dominance”.


The book of the title above examines how chemtrails and ionospheric heaters like the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) in Alaska services a full-spectrum dominance. This “Revolution in Military Affairs” needs an atmospheric medium to assure wireless access to the bodies and brains of anyone on Earth–from heat-seeking missiles to a form of mind control.

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The Failed Politics And Faulty Science Of Climate Change

 “The narrow, pseudo-scientific global warming debate is over – as is the need for any further debate on our destructive environmental practices. What is needed is systemic change. Now. It is the only way humanity has any hope of surviving — no matter what the temperature.” – E I Smith & A Whiteley


The climate change/carbon emissions debate is over. It’s a redundant distraction to the broader actuality of humanity’s blatantly destructive environmental practicesThe question at the core of the ‘climate’ discussion is not if the planet is warming, or whether carbon levels are to blame, the question is whether our current way of life on planet earth is sustainable. Yet this supposedly “scientific” debate has deteriorated to narrow, ill-informed political rhetoric that keeps us debating the details, not the central issue.

Is human activity negatively affecting our planet’s health, and risking humanity’s future? – Yes.  Are our current practices sustainable? – No.  Are carbon emissions altering our environment such that it is causing global temperatures to increase? – Inconsequential to the broader matter at hand.

Whatever the temperature may be, or how wild the storms, it is only a symptom of our collective disconnection from Mother Nature. Living a lifestyle that is incompatible with nature, we have allowed our atmosphere, water, soil and food supplies all to be ruined by ever-increasing environmental, industrial and agricultural poisons. And now, with unprecedented rates of disease affecting ‘developed’ nations, our increasingly toxic reality — changing climate or not — is reason enough to end this narrow ‘carbon’ rhetoric and initiate the many systemic reforms we know are now essential to our survival. Continue reading