‘Weather Control’ is Currently Happening – Dr. Michio Kaku [Video]

AnonGroup.org – In a clip aired on mainstream television outlet CBS a few years ago, physicist Dr. Michio Kaku accidentally admitted that the skies were being sprayed with nanoparticles and “lasers” to modify the weather.

While people who are familiar with covert geoengineering and our skies being sprayed know for a fact this is happening, rarely is it admitted by people in positions of influence.

People in positions of influence propose that the skies be sprayed to “combat climate change,” but they never exactly admit it is already happening: in this little known slip-up, a mainstream scientist admitted it.

In the interview, Michio Kaku briefly dips into the history of weather modification (in little detail compared to extensive works, such as the book “Chemtrails Exposed: a New Manhattan Project”) Continue reading

Chemtrails: Global Awakening 2016

Alexandra Bruce – This is an information-packed speech given by Dane Wigington of geoengineeringwatch.org, which was edited together by Anonymous and from which I’ve cut off extraneous bits from the head and tail.

It’s an extraordinary speech, which will make you want to get up out of your seat and to do something about this. That’s the intent. It’s so important that you grasp the gravity of this situation, that I’ve transcribed the entire speech, cut to a very decent video with informative graphics and illustrative images.



[Edited for clarity]

“Geoengineering is weather modification on a global scale. Many refer to this is as chemtrails.

“The dispute as to whether or not these programs are going on is really a moot point. We have more than enough data. We have actual footage, that you’re seeing now to show that these tankers are indeed spraying at altitude. The same materials we see showing up in the ground; the exact materials named in numerous geoengineering patents, as many as 150 patents. So at this point, the notion that these programs are not going on, it’s simply denial.

Continue reading

See chemtrail emissions from specific sprayers and hear why we’re being sprayed like bugs


Had enough yet to demand arrests?

Carl Herman: My March 20th article with three minutes of video attracted two prolific commenters (Colophon and Thor) claiming these are not chemtrails, but condensation trails from engine and environmental effects. I’ll include their responses below, if they choose to provide them.

The following 34-minute video from NWOResistance HereAndNow refutes those arguments because chemtrails are sprayed from various nozzle locations on different planes, such as at these video times:

  • 10:21: one wing nozzle spraying chemicals.
  • 13:30: one wing large nozzle spraying chemicals.
  • 14:02: two tail arrays of nozzles (four per tail side) spraying chemicals.
  • 14:16: one nozzle on each side of the cabin spraying chemicals.
  • 14:20: two wing nozzles spraying chemicals.
  • 25:30: two wing nozzles spraying chemicals.

This 110-minute video from GeoEngineering Watch explains possible motives of weather, food, and population control: Continue reading

Geoengineering, Weather Modification and Weather Warfare

weatherKatherine Frisk – How many of you remember 2011-2012 with any clarity? “Shock and awe!”I am still trying to make sense of it. Everything was in chaos. The “Arab Springs”in Libya, Egypt and Syria were heady stuff, until it all came out that this was social engineering and there is a name for it, “A Color Revolution.”

It comes as a package with variations on the theme, depending on which country is about to be hit next. Umbrellas were cool in Hong Kong. I think they are running out of ideas.

Color Revolutions aside, we also had the Occupy Wall street movement. I became suspicious of this when Soros started Avaaz, and a screen in Zucchotti Park was even put up where supporters around the world who had signed any and all petitions could be seen as the ratings numbers clicked over. Yo NSA! How many names you got on your “no fly” list from that one? Or are those people now color coded for FEMA Camps?

I had to question if this was genuine from the beginning and the movement had later been infiltrated, or whether it was engineered in the first place to add to the global chaos and contribute to many distractions so that people would not realize what was really going on.

Then there were the “shootings”across the USA, which still have not abated. Most turned out to be “false flag” events with crisis actors. I had a very good friend in the USA, code name Hashley Hartknife, this name came about because he was banned from Facebook for telling the truth, so he created another alias. He woke me up to a lot of things and has since passed on. (Peace boet!)

Hartknife did photo analysis of all these shootings in fine detail. His family had written him off as nutjob, and at first I thought so too, but he finally proved his case and convinced me.Batman, Boston Bombing and Sandy Hook. These days I kinda yawn and move onto other news when I see these things. By comparison with the bloodshed in Syria and Ukraine in the last two years, it is, quite frankly, not worth my time or my energy. The whole world knows it is propaganda in order to abolish the second amendment and force people to hand in their guns.

Then we had the “trumpets,” remember those? The end of the world is here and the trumpets are sounding across the globe! Oh my giddy aunt, and I fell for it all, hook line and sinker. Along with the reptiles, UFOs …an all… that… Ja-azzzzzzz! Continue reading