Systemic Denial of Global Geoengineering Continues In Spite of the Mountain of Evidence

GeoEngineering Watch | December 14 2012

EarthWhile the “scientists”, the US military, and numerous other governmental agencies, continue to deny the reality of the massive global geoengineering programs, the enormous machine that runs these ever expanding programs continues to grow in plain sight. Those that are attempting to expose the truth regarding the planetary weather/climate modification aerosol spraying are still marginalized by the state sponsored main stream media which is all to willing to do as it is told by those in power.

In spite of the concerted and powerful effort to hide the reality of the ongoing geoengineering programs, the masses are beginning to awaken to the fact that we are all being subjected to a horrific global experiment. An experiment that is quite literally putting all life on Earth in the balance. An ever growing mountain of evidence already proves beyond doubt that global geoengineering is an absolute reality. Any that do an objective evaluation of the available evidence can come to no other conclusion.

Congressional Report Outlines Framework of Global Geoengineering Governance and Agencies Involved

(Though of course they say its not happening yet.)

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