The Political Pope Francis – Man Above God [w/ Video]

NeumayrGreg Hunter – Best-selling author George Neumayr’s new book is called “The Political Pope.” Neumayr reveals, “How Pope Francis is delighting the liberal left and abandoning conservatives.” Neumayr explains, “The irony with this Pope is that he doesn’t particularly like Catholics. He views devout Catholics with a certain amount of disdain, and that’s why the left likes him so much.

He sees Catholics in the same way they do. They see them as rigid and Pharisaical, and he’s used those same terms to describe them. In many ways, he is adopting some of the anti-Catholic invective that is popular on the fashionable left, which has been for many decades anti-Catholic. With a Pope on the chair of Saint Peter  criticizing Catholics saying they are too conservative . . . the media is eating up this Pope.”

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