Tower Of Greed

Rory Hall  – Ladies and Gentlemen, I have to tell you, today may be the saddest day of my life. If you have not read, in full, Meet The Secretive Group That Runs The World, please stop here and read, in full, the article that should change your view of our world and the way you conduct business. I’ll wait here for your return…

globalOver the past seven years I have dedicated myself to reading, studying and doing my level best to understand how our monetary, financial and economic systems work. Beginning in late 2007 I set out on a course ingesting books, articles and websites, whole. Spending as much as ten hours a day for months attempting to connect the dots. Today I spend approximately twelve to fourteen hours a day filtering through various news articles, books and videos to continue the process of dot-connecting.

When The Daily Coin was born, April 25, 2014, the goal was to help you in your quest for real news and information that would put you and your family in a better position for the coming economic collapse. As of 4:30pm April 12, 2015 it appears my views are about to change. Anyone who is awake and aware is familiar with the manipulation of markets, all markets, the criminality of the banking system and take over of governments, globally, by fascist means. Laws and regulations are now written by and for corporations and local police departments are in place to, specifically, protect the ruling and banking class. The local police also serve another very important function: to strip us of any loose change the banking and ruling class overlooked.

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