Is Resistance Futile?

Is Resistance Futile?Jack Gleason – Every sci-fi fan knows about the BorgStar Trek‘s archenemy collective of cybernetic beings that ruthlessly assimilates other species and their technologies.  Their favorite phrase when overtaking a new life form is “resistance is futile.”

Indeed, the Borg are formidable.  After thousands of years, their stolen technologies surpass anything the Federation has developed.  But oddly, while gaining significant advantage at the beginning of each encounter, they are always stymied by Federation officers and crew. Continue reading

Global Control Grid And The Black Budget [Video]

Alexandra BruceCatherine Austin Fitts returns for part two of the discussion with Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt.

Right out of the gate, Fitts launches into the deep history of Clinton corruption, noting that money started going missing from the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) budget in fiscal 1990. Fitts suspects these missing funds are what initially financed not just the Clinton Foundation but Tony Blair’s foundation and Jeffrey Epstein’s underage sex blackmail operation at his home in the Virgin Islands.

She explains, “There an accountant who did essentially nothing but HUD business who ended up being the lead auditor for the Clinton Foundation. When I saw that, I said, ‘Uh-oh!’”

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