Elon Musk: 99.9% Of Media Is Owned By The ‘New World Order’

Elon Musk

Sean Adl-Tabatabai – Elon Musk recently posted a series of Tweets pointing out that the ‘New World Order’ control and influence 99.9% of the mainstream media.

The billionaire Tesla founder lifted the lid on how mainstream media journalists sugarcoat lies to “get max clicks and earn advertising dollars” for their globalist overlords. Musk was unforgiving towards the media, calling them hypocrites and pointing out that the public no longer trusts them.

Musk says he wants ordinary citizens to ‘wake up’ and realize who really owns the media they are forced to consume.

The freethoughtproject.com reports: He said that he doesn’t advertise for Tesla, his electric car company, which means that he contributes no money to the media, who depend on advertising dollars to stay in business. Continue reading

Jesuitical Steps Towards Armageddon

Jesuit Pope’s Audience Hall (Alien Eyes)

Anonymous Patriots – There are two factions of evil fighting for the soul of humanity. Both are old and shrouded in secrecy. Both have complex networks of intelligence that have agents in every major bank and political action group in the world.  Both encircle the globe and have centuries of fraud, corruption and murder on their hands. It is fair to say that if you are reading this, from any place on the Earth, you are deeply affected by the evil machinations of these two rival forces. Surprisingly enough, they work so closely together that you might not notice the battle raging right before your eyes.

Many conspiracy theorists point in the direction of these two groups that are led by a “man in black” and a “man in white.”  Before Christmas 2016, the final steps toward Armageddon will be made by both of these groups and the fate of humanity depends on making sure that neither group is able to carry out their plan of hegemony – world dominion under two rulers who govern the religious (cultural), judicial (legal), and economic (military) aspects of the globe. The New World Order, One World Order, or the Transnational Globalist Republic is only a few steps away. The traces of those plans lead to Jerusalem and the bid for power over the land where Armageddon is predicted to take place.

Strange Predictions

“While the world starves, burns, and descends further into chaos, we should realize that this year’s Christmas celebrations for those who choose to celebrate it may be their last.” – Francis I. Continue reading

An Encouraging Look Forward

powerFoster Gamble – Like anyone with their eyes open, I recognize the dangerously heated divide among people throughout our country and the world. I appreciate the high levels of engagement, and at the same time find the lack of open dialogue across worldview, and the outside provocateurs, to be unfortunate components of the recent activism. Nonetheless, I am encouraged by much of what I see happening in the world, and given my awareness of so much of the corruption, I wanted to explain why I feel optimistic.

As people who have seen THRIVE or follow Thrive Movement know, I am committed to following assumptions and money upstream, analyzing actions (not rhetoric) and assessing events through a lens of principles, not politics. In THRIVE we laid out how the U.S. was at risk of being subsumed by a globalist agenda, with individual sovereignty and personal accountability both being annihilated in the name of one-world governance and control. I continue to watch government land grabs for Agenda 21/2030, ramped up efforts to control the Internet, the move toward Bail-In legislation and the further authorization of the FBI to break into any computer anywhere, and more — all promoted by a media that is more than ever a megaphone for the globalists, the primary promulgators of “fake news.” So my optimism is not naive or absolute.

Through The Lens Of The Global Domination Agenda (GDA)

I suggest the quickest path to find some sense of inner peace about the controversial Trump administration is to acknowledge and look through the lens we revealed in THRIVE — that a small, elite international cadre of sociopaths is hell-bent on creating a New World Order — a One World Totalitarian State with them in charge.

powerThe “GDA” has been using the government takeover of Healthcare, Education, the TPP, NAFTA, WTO, the Fed, false flag imperialist wars, unlimited immigration, mandatory vaccines and flu shots, the destruction of the economy, suppression of free energy, promotion of Agenda 21/30, Global warming and global carbon tax, the UN front for a global state with the NATO enforcement arm, the consolidation of dishonest mainstream media fronting for the globalists and much more…to create the conditions to seduce us into their New World Order, one world government, totalitarian police state.

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Is The New World Order Dying? 10 Recent Headlines Offer Hope

Bernie Suarez – We know the saying, you either see a glass half empty or half full. Your attitude, mindset and expectations guide your perceptions which in turn will guide your stated views and opinions of the world you live in. That said, depending on how you view the world one might make an argument for why the new world order is slowly dying out.

Perhaps I’m being overly optimistic or perhaps my intuition is correct on this one. One thing I strongly believe: humanity is not designed to live in false government paradigms of slavery and statism. Those who live for government and the state will hold these beliefs, but nature and the rest of humanity tells another story. Humanity naturally yearns to be free of all control systems. Though a certain percentage of humanity actually needs and wants to be under the control of government, this segment of humanity only wishes this because they know nothing else and they are afraid of a stateless world where they might have to care for themselves. For now, let’s set aside these individuals who live in fear and need the state to be part of their lives, and let’s focus instead on the rest of humanity who is awakened. Let’s realize how amazing, gifted and how blessed we are as humans, and how natural it is to be free.

For those of us who have moved past the modern-day mental enslavement at the hands of the control system, it is much easier to see the victories being chalked up by humanity with every day that goes by. For those of us who are committed to viewing the world in a positive way, it is not very difficult to glance at some of the recent headlines and see where once again there are signs that show that new world order globalist elite plan at global enslavement may be postponed indefinitely. That is, the new world order is failing even though they are very much fighting back and doing everything they can to continue pushing their plan forward.

Here are just 10 recent stories that indicate the new world order could in fact be slowly dying out. These 10 stories barely scratch the surface of things that are happening at the local level everywhere in the U.S. and around the world. People really are beginning to realize that the wealthy elites and governments are the root of the problem. People are realizing how corrupt they are and how they intend to enslave us all forever. Many people are starting to see the bigger picture and this is driving a new consciousness.

1 – Baltimore cops criminally charged

Not long ago in America we saw multiple cases where police murdered unarmed civilians. From Michael Brown to Eric Garner, for months we’ve seen injustice as police literally get away with cold-blooded murder. For a change, however, we are now seeing multiple police officers profiled before America as ordinary criminals. Finally we are building the courage here in the U.S. to confront police homicide. We are finally willing to see a person for what they are without a badge distorting your perception of the truth. Continue reading