Pope Francis and Angela Merkel: Enemies of European Civilization

 Katherine Frisk Most people think I am nuts when I say this, They simply cannot and do not want to believe it let alone consider it.

For the last 1,000 years, the Vatican has been living high on the hog of Western Nations, today extending internationally, through their self-decreed Papal Bulls that declare that the Pope owns the planet, all bodies on the planet and all souls. This is the basis for the New World Order and a One World Government. The fact that Jesus turned the devil down when given the same offer, alludes them.

Who is the Vatican? The people who own and control the Vatican are the Black Nobility of Europe, the Zionists and the Muslim Brotherhood.

vaticanThe Jesuits are their foot soldiers and their intelligence network. Today both the black pope and the white pope are Jesuits. Jesuits are not only part of a celibate order, but are scientists, university professors, bankers, media moguls, part of all religious groups that they have infiltrated and politicians to name a few.  Joe Biden is a Jesuit. So is Mike Pence.

Jesuits are also in intelligence agencies such as the CIA and it is not beneath them to run narcotics operations and support terrorists to achieve their aims of world-wide domination. Many live seemingly “normal” lives. The Knights of Malta, not to be confused with the Knights Templar, are also part of their secret societies and political extensions, as are the Illuminati which was founded by a Jesuit.

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