Technocracy’s Control Matrix Starts And Stops With BIS

Technocracy’s Control Matrix Starts And Stops With BIS, Central BanksMark Keenan – In my previous article ‘1500 scientists say ‘Climate Change Not Due to Co2’ – The real environment movement was hijacked’ I provided evidence and testimonies from renowned international climate scientists that contradict the UN assertions in relation to climate change being caused by Co2 emissions. I also referred to the conclusion of 1500 climate scientists and climate professionals at the Climate Intelligence Foundation that:

♦ the climate changes naturally and slowly in its own cycle,
♦ solar activity is the dominant factor in climate; and that CO2 emissions or methane from livestock, such as cows, are not the dominant factors in climate change. Continue reading

Totalitarianism Led By ‘Dull Bureaucrats And Technocrats’

New Totalitarianism Led By 'Dull Bureaucrats Professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University Mattias Desmet is the world’s leading expert in the phenomenon known as “mass formation,” which is a type of hypnotic state that occurs when people are isolated from one another and free-floating anxiety is prevalent, as in during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Desmet believes the world is now seeing a new form of totalitarianism, spawned in the last couple of decades and fostered by mass formation during the pandemic. Continue reading

It’s The Global Technocracy That Must Be Broken

Leo Hohmann – There has been so much written about Joe Biden’s September 1 “Soul of a Nation” speech that I have resisted the urge to weigh in.

In a nutshell, Biden declared all MAGA Republicans to be enemies of the state, and seemed to be nudging America in the direction of one-party rule, which is essentially what we already have. It’s called the “uniparty.”

My concern is that people’s attention is too focused on Biden and Trump and not enough on the sweeping global transformation that is going on, and speeches like the one Biden delivered September 1 are meant to keep us distracted and diverted. Continue reading