This Is . . . Treason [Audio]

Dear friend and Patriot Rob Kirby from joins us to discuss Ebola, precious metals manipulation and the US open border with Mexico – and he doesn’t mince words:


“These are people that are deeply, deeply involved in deep TREASON. We are under the control of Globalists and Globalists have an agenda. They want less of us on the planet. The Globalists have written white papers explaining explicitly their contempt for humanity. They want less of us on the planet. They want the planet depopulated. These Globalists have control of the financial apparatus, the media apparatus, the geopolitical apparatus… It is Globalism that we need to fear most of all. Their agendas are one world government, one world currency and one world religion, namely the worship of State. And this is the trajectory we’re on.”

Rob’s site:

SF Source  August 3 2014

Truth Behind How The Global Elite Will Achieve A New World Order And World Government

Globalist Report | January 23 2013

I don’t fear a New World Order, the Globalist Agendaor even the establishment of World Government. I’m not afraid of groups like the Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Committee of 300 and the Skull and Bones Society.

In fact, the global elite who attend and control organizations like the Bilderberg Group that seek to establish a New World Order and World Government don’t intimidate me one bit.

I know for a fact that as individuals or even a collective, these secretive and shadowy organizations do not have the capacity to implement the agendas that they so desire. They are managed and controlled by weak, pathetic old men who would surrender at an instant when confronted.

However, although they cannot implements their agendas on their own, they can do so with the help of an ignorant and willing population.

It is the knowing that there are people who are willing to do the bidding of the Globalists and global Elite that terrifies me the most.

You see, for organizations such as the Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Committee of 300 and the Skull and Bones Society to implement their agendas, vast army’s of willing subordinates and volunteers are required to help them achieve their goals.

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