The globalist plan to exterminate humanity begins now [Video]

globalistsMike Adams – Far beyond the distractions of political bickering and cultural trends, the big, big picture that’s unfolding across our world right now is a plan to exterminate 90% of the current human population in order to “save” the planet and protect what globalists see as the future of human survival on a cosmic scale.

This plan is under way now due to two very important developments:

#1) The rise of robotic systems that can replace human labor, eliminating the need for a world of impoverished human workers whose only reason for existence — from the point of view of the globalists — was to be exploited for cheap labor and manipulated votes.

If you aren’t yet aware that robots are replacing human labor, you’re way behind the curve. As this Zero Hedge story shows, heavy duty robots are already being introduced that can replace human labor in construction and other similar jobs. Continue reading

Full Frontal Attack!

globalistsShorty Dawkins – As we get closer to the November elections, the Mainstream Media (MSM) and the Globalists, both in the Democrat and Republican Parties, are attacking Trump relentlessly, which is a sure sign that they are nervous. The vaunted Blue Wave is in trouble.

Internet platforms are suspending, or canceling, accounts of Conservative and Libertarian pundits and journalists with increasing frequency. We know about Alex Jones, Gavin McInnes, and two people at the Ron Paul Institute, but there are many more, not necessarily canceled, but at least temporarily suspended. Some of the suspensions are for 90 days, which just happens to mean that they are suspended until after the elections. Convenient. Continue reading

Yes, The Tide Is Turning Against The Globalists

globalistsShorty Dawkins – I wrote an article, recently, and pointed out that  “The tide is turning against the Globalists.” A comment appeared in the comment section stating: ” So when the author writes “The tide is turning against the Globalists”, I have to ask where he is seeing that?

I am seeing the tide turning in many ways.

Nationalism and globalism are diametrically opposed to each other. Globalists want to eliminate borders and national sovereignty and create a One World government ruled by selected oligarchs: their version of Plato’s Utopia. To show that the tide is turning against Globalism, one needs only to point out the rise in Nationalism. Here in the USA, Donald Trump, a Nationalist/Populist, was elected President, beating Hillary Clinton, a Globalist.

It was his message of Nationalist/Populism, embodied in his slogan, “Make America Great Again”, that people voted for. He decried the globalists. He stood for American sovereignty. Continue reading

Global Elitists Are Not Human

sociopathsBrandon Smith – It is often said that “other-izing” people overall can be dangerous and other-izing your enemies specifically can be tactically detrimental. For one, it can lead to a false sense of superiority over those people as you assert some kind of imagined genetic advantage. It can also lead to dangerous generalizations of vast groups as you categorize and pigeonhole millions as being exactly the same when this is rationally impossible. However, other-izing is perhaps the only option when faced with a very particular type of person embracing a very particular brand of ideology; other-izing can become a matter of survival.

I am of course talking about globalists.

Not the low level cronies and useful idiots within the globalist push or “movement,” because many of them simply represent a underlying gullibility or stupidity among people attracted to the inbred world of academia. Instead, I’m talking about the people behind the curtain; self proclaimed “globalists” or internationalists that have positioned themselves into strategic power centers.

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A War On Globalism

Michael Snyder – Have you ever wondered why Donald Trump is so deeply hated by the elite?  It isn’t because he is a Republican.  In fact, there are lots of Republicans out there that the elite absolutely love.  The truth is that the reason the elite have such deep animosity toward Trump is because he is fighting their globalist agenda. 

globalistsWhen Trump talks about a border wall or a travel ban, the elite hate that because they ultimately want a world where national borders have been made meaningless.  And when Trump talks about tearing up trade agreements that really freaks them out because they have been working very hard to try to merge the economies of the planet into a single global economic system.

Worst of all for the globalists was when Trump pulled out of the Paris climate agreement.  For decades the elite have been using such international agreements to impose their values on the entire planet, and now the leader of the most powerful nation in the world is standing up to them.

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