Campbell’s calls for nationwide mandatory GMO labeling, revokes support for anti-labeling front groups

Campbell's Mike Adams – Campbell’s just made food history. It announced support for nationwide GMO labeling while revoking its support for biotech front groups that oppose GMO labeling ballot initiatives at the state level.

In an announcement on its website, Campbell’s CEO Denise Morrison threw down the gauntlet, declaring a new era of food transparency for the company, affirming the inescapable conclusion that consumers want to know what they’re eating. Clean food activism has also rallied millions of people to boycott deceptive food brands that oppose GMO labeling, causing a loss of consumer trust in the “traitor brands” like Kashi, Larabar, Silk, General Mills, Kellogg’s, PepsiCo and Coca-Cola.

“Today, consistent with our Purpose, we announced our support for mandatory national labeling of products that may contain genetically modified organisms (GMO) and proposed that the federal government provide a national standard for non-GMO claims made on food packaging,” says Campbell’s. “We have always believed that consumers have the right to know what’s in their food. GMO has evolved to be a top consumer food issue reaching a critical mass of 92% of consumers in favor of putting it on the label.”

In saying this, Campbell’s is rejecting the “obfuscate and deceive” strategy of the rest of the industry: LIE, hide, threaten, deceive, distract and corrupt at every opportunity, keeping consumers in the dark and pushing poison (GMOs and glyphosate) while claiming food buyers are too stupid to understand simple food labels.

Campbell’s stakes out the high ground on food transparency

For this decision, Campbell’s deserves real credit. This is a groundbreaking decision that puts it in a leadership position on the issue of food transparency. Continue reading

PREEMPTION: The Legal Principle Used By Big Biotech To Get GMO Labeling Banned

gmoMakia Freeman – Preemption is the legal principle being trotted out in the last couple of years by politicians and judges ruling on biotechnology and GMO cases. Big Biotech has seized upon the principle of preemption, and unfortunately but unsurprisingly, is now using it with gusto to prevent states, counties and municipalities from passing and enacting ordinances, moratoriums or other laws to curb the use of GMOs. That way Monsanto can control the Federal Congress Supreme Court and White House without having to control very single state or local government.

Preemption was again used in HR 1599, the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015 (dubbed by many the DARK Act, or Denying Americans the Right to Know Act), a bill which was recently passed and which is another classic example Orwellian doublespeak in its name. The bill does nothing to produce “safety” or “accuracy” around GMOs – it prevents restrictions on unsafe GMOs and GMO labeling, and keeps Americans in the dark when it comes to accurately knowing what their food is and where it comes from.

What is Preemption?

Preemption is the legal principle that when a law from a higher court and lower court conflict, the law from the higher court displaces or takes precedence over the law from the lower court. In the case of the USA, people argue that when federal and state law conflict, federal law preempts state law due to the Supremacy Clause (Article 5, Paragraph 2) of the US Constitution (there are some who argue that the States created the Federal Government and therefore should be higher in law, but unfortunately the Supreme Court has ruled the Federal Government takes supremacy, so now we have hundreds of years of legal precedent. The Federal Government has taken the power unto itself and it’s going to be difficult to wrest control back from them). Continue reading

5 Reasons Monsanto Will Continue Losing Money in 2015

Anthony Gucciardi – The biotech giant known as Monsanto is facing major financial downturn amid the backlash from consumers over their concerning GMO creations and the international rejection of various GMO exports following the confirmation of crop contamination across the United States.

labelingGoing further into 2015, it’s clear that this GMO behemoth has many more obstacles to face that will most likely lead to a continued loss. Here are the top 5 reasons Monsanto will continue to lose money (and at the very least, reputation) in 2015 and beyond.

1. 96% Want Their GMOs Labeled

Not 30%. Not 75%. Not even 85%. A powerful 96 plus percent of individuals within the United States are in serious favor of labeling Monsanto’s GMOs. And despite Monsanto’s millions defeating many labeling campaigns within various states like California, public resistance is catching up.

In the past, the company has used a number of pro-GMO agencies to band together in forming campaigns aimed at stopping GMO labeling altogether. Oftentimes, these groups use fabrications regarding the increased cost of groceries and even fake quotes from the FDA in order to push their agenda. Continue reading