California Has Stepped In It

Mandating Vaccines Would Create A Forced Human Experiment In Genetically Engineering Human Beings

human experimentCalifornia is on the verge of setting up a forced human experiment for the biotech industry: the genetic engineering of human beings through mandated GMO-vaccines. The Congress and various states around the country are on the same path, all having suddenly had bills introduced by legislators highly paid by and acting on behalf of the biotech/pharmaceutical industry which is pushing for the removal of all exemptions to its GMO vaccines.

Some of the legal and genetic issues involved are evident in this article. None of those issues have been addressed by any state legislature or by the Congress.

GMO-Vaccines Making Siblings of Millions of Children, Teens and College Students: Who Can They Safely Have Children With In The Future?

It’s without doubt that GMO-vaccines are genetically modifying human beings because human DNA is being contaminated by GMO insect DNA and other DNA.

That being so, it is without a doubt that the use of GMO-vaccines (recombinant DNA vaccines) is a monumental but undeclared human experiment on the human species.

That being so, mandating GMO-vaccines creates a forced human experiment.

All human experiments in the state of California must meet certain legal requirements or face jail and penalties for failing to do so.

In recognizing that GMO-vaccines are the essential element in a massive human experiment, suddenly it becomes clear that the aggressive vaccine push occurring now in the US that has involved bribed legislators, overturning normal legislative procedures and orchestrating a near media hysteria over harmless cases of measles, is allowing the vaccine industry to distract the country from the reality and implication of GMO vaccines, which are as a radical change from previous vaccines as GMO seeds are from normal seeds. Continue reading

GMO Vaccines Creating “Herd Contagion”

What Is Herd Immunity?

EugenicsVaccinesHerd immunity has been misunderstood when applied to animal herds and was always a false concept when applied to vaccinated groups.

  1. Herd immunity referred to natural immunity acquired by a herd of animals, that is, immunity acquired over time as animals in a herd got exposed to a disease and more and more individuals developed permanent immunity to it.  When enough animals in a herd  developed that natural immunity one could say, in a general way, that the herd had an immunity to the disease.  This was versus another herd with less exposure and fewer members with natural defenses.  Individuals in the first herd could still potentially catch the disease but “herd immunity” meant the disease would not run rampant since most of the animals had been exposed previously.In summary, herd immunity is thus a kind of comparative description of groups of animals that had already gotten the disease (naturally) versus groups that had not (those didn’t collectively have much immunity).
  2. When used to describe vaccination of groups the fallacy of herd immunity doubles.  First, vaccines do not confer permanent immunity. In any group, vaccine “immunization” would always be wearing off for large numbers of the members of the group. Second, vaccines skew the immune system toward an inferior form of immunity, actually making those vaccinated  more susceptible to disease.

Vaccines increase susceptibility to disease

This greater susceptibility to disease after vaccination is increasingly confirmed.

With flu shots, the person’s risk of getting the flu is doubled if they had previously been vaccinated for it.  In addition, the indications in a ferret study (below) is that the vaccinated group became much sicker when they got the disease than those who got it but had not been vaccinated.

According to the Vancouver Sun:1

“Researchers, led by Vancouver’s Dr. Danuta Skowronski, an influenza expert at the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, noticed in the early weeks of the [2009 H1N1] pandemic that people who got a flu shot for the 2008-09 winter seemed to be more likely to get infected with the pandemic virus than people who hadn’t received a flu shot. Five studies done in several provinces showed the same unsettling results.”

In March last year, ABC News reported:2 Continue reading