The Gnostic Theory Of Alien Intrusion [Audio]

Metahistory | August 22 2012 | Thanks, Kevin

John Lamb Lash

Since the explosion of the ET/UFO phenomena in 1947, speculation about alien intrusion on planet Earth has been rampant. Half a dozen theories dominate the debate, but there is one theory that has yet to be examined. It did not emerge after 1947, but approximately 1600 years earlier. To be precise, the evidence of this theory came to light through a discovery in Egypt in December, 1945, although the significance of the find was not realized until — guess when? 1947.

In that year, French scholar Jean Doresse identified the Egyptian find at Nag Hammadi as a cache of rare Gnostic texts.

“Gnosticism” is the label scholars use for a body of teachings derived from the Mystery Schools of pre-Christian antiquity. Gnostics who protested against Christian doctrines such as divine retribution and Christ’s resurrection found themselves targeted as heretics and were brutally suppressed by early converts to the One True Faith. This is the untold story of how the Mysteries ended. Since that signal year, 1947, some of the lost Mystery School knowledge has been recovered.

Gnosis (“inner knowing”) was a path of experimental mysticism in which the initiates of the Mystery Schools explored the psyche and the cosmos at large. Using psychoactive plants, yoga, and sex magic, these ancient seers experienced altered states and developed siddhis, occult skills such as clairaudience and remote viewing. Gnosis was a kind of yogic noetic science melded with parapsychology. In heightened perception, Gnostics developed a vast cosmological vision centered in a female deity, the Divine Sophia. The Gnostic creation myth is unique in that it includes a full-blown explanation of how inorganic alien beings came to be present in our solar system.

The Nag Hammadi material contains reports of visionary experiences of the initiates, including first-hand encounters with inorganic beings called Archons. Gnostic teaching explains that these entities arose in the early stage of formation of the solar system, before the Earth was formed. Archons inhabit the solar system, the extraterrestrial realm as such, but they can intrude on Earth. Interestingly, this Gnostic insight accords closely with the view of Jacques Vallee, who maintains that ET/cyborgs probably belong to the local planetary realm. Vallee also proposes that the ET/UFO enigma is a “spiritual control system,” a phenomenon that “behaves like a conditioning process.” (Messengers of Deception). This is exactly what Gnostics said about the Archons: they can affect our minds by subliminal conditioning techniques. Their main tactics are mental error (intellectual virus, or false ideology, especially religious doctrines) and simulation. Archons are predatory, unlike a wide range of non-human and other-dimensional beings also know to the Gnostics, beings who are benevolent or neutral toward humanity.

Physical descriptions of Archons occur in several Gnostic codices. Two types are clearly identified: a neonate or embryonic type, and a draconic or reptilian type. Obviously, these descriptions fit the Greys and Reptilians of contemporary reports to a T. Or I should say, to an ET.

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Gnosticism, Archons/Greys, The Controller Agenda. The Jinn.

Ascending Starseed | July 20 2012

They sought to overpower humanity in its psychological and perceptual functions… although they saw that human thinking was superior to theirs… For indeed their delight is bitter and their beauty is depraved. And their triumph is in deception (apaton), leading astray, for their own structure is without divinity.”

Breathtaking, but what is that? Who said that? Of whom does it speak? Is it ancient? Is it contemporary? Is it correct? Is it relevant? What is it doing here in the pages of Open SETI?

Let’s begin with the last part of the question.

Open SETI is in some ways the opposite of SETI. SETI is an extraordinarily “narrow-band” search arising from a most denatured strain of modern-day scientific/intellectual thought. Open SETI begins with being… open. And what does one see, when open?

Would you agree that one sees a magnificent planet inhabited by a humanity that is becoming demented, even by its own definition?

This humanity is fragmenting, at war with itself, and each faction looking desperately for salvation from its particular idea of deity.

No small number of humans hope for help from another quarter: contact with extraterrestrial beings. Surely the SETI community derives at least some of its support from this dream.68 It manifests strongly among many “UFO believers” as well.

It will turn out that this dream of salvation has everything to do with our opening passage.

The passage is tight with ideas:

  • Some group attempted to overpower humanity.
  • The field of attack was psychological and perceptual.
  • Human thinking was superior to theirs.
  • Something about their pleasure and beauty is off.
  • They succeed, but only through deception because…
  • …There is such a thing as “divinity.”
  • …It is implied that we have it.
  • …They lack it.

These ideas form at least part of the “paradigm” for this page… which, as usual for this website, has little to do with that of conventional SETI with its focus on detection, astrobiology, habitable planets, etc.

Our opening quote is from The Apocryphon of John II, a Nag Hammadi text extensively discussed by author John Lash.

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