How To Be Free From Right And Wrong

How To Be Free From Right And WrongJafree Ozwald – Have you ever had to make a challenging decision and thought, “Is this the right path to take?” or perhaps you had a bigger question such as “What am I supposed to do with my life?”

Many of us are caught up in believing that if we can make the right decisions, stay on the “good” path and off the “bad” path, we will be rewarded in some way. This may be true to some degree, yet in the grand plan our soul is on an infinite journey and is interested in something much bigger. Continue reading

How To Discover Freedom From Negative Feelings

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” -Rumi

oceanJafree Ozwald  – One of the most common questions people ask me is “How do I stop having negative thoughts and feelings?

As you know, holding onto a negative emotional state will keep you from manifesting what you truly desire because it holds you stuck in a lower vibrational place.

Negative feelings arise because they are trying to push you into a higher positive experience. Each feeling is trying to ignite your spiritual path and help you to grow exponentially The problem in life occurs not when you have a negative feeling, but when you resist the experience of it. Continue reading

Surrender To Your Divinity

birdsInFlightAndTreeJafree Ozwald – The word surrender is often greatly misunderstood. It is not about “giving up,” failing at life or losing anything.

Surrender is one of the most beautiful experiences life offers, and it is much more enlightening than you can imagine. Surrender frees you from any suffering you are experiencing…instantly!

Surrender is the gentle release of your ego’s constant effort to get someone “better” than here now. It is bowing down to the Divine essence with yourself in this now moment. It is what liberates you from your ego and allows you to instantly manifest the radically joyful life that you deserve and desire. Continue reading

The Fifth Element

DarkMatterOwen K Waters – The legendary  Fifth Element holds the key to the answer to one of today’s top mysteries in the worlds of physics and cosmology. Scientists estimate that 84% of the matter in the universe is composed of invisible dark matter, but they have no idea what it is. With a short venture into the world of metaphysics, you are about to find out the answer!

In ancient Greece, all material things were said to be composed of a mixture of the four elements ofearth, fire, water and air. There was also said to be a more subtle, fifth element. This was called the quintessence (literally, “fifth element”), implying its very delicate or refined state of existence. Continue reading

Enrich Your Life With A Daily Spiritual Experience

Enrich Your Life With A Daily Spiritual ExperienceJafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – Every experience in your life has the potential of becoming a spiritual experience. Even the most ordinary experiences can turn into vast, expansive, enlightening connections with the Divine. You simply step out of the way and allow your smaller self to surrender to your bigger Self.

Who “you” are merges with that vast unlimited Source that you truly are. There is nothing more spiritual than this surrender. When you truly surrender and trust 100%, the Source simply melts into you. Be aware of this and know that the only thing stopping you from having a spiritual experience (even while you’re reading this email) is your mind’s grip on reality.

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