Exploration of Consciousness [Video]

EarthKeeperVideo February 2 2013

This video includes an interview that was conducted in December 2012, at the Earth-Keeper 12-12-12 Conference, hosted by James Tyberonn. Graham Hancock is one of the most prolific authors and researchers of our time. He is has written over 12 amazing books, which have sold over 12 million copies worldwide. He has been featured on BBC, National Geographic, CNN, The History Channel, Sky News, ABC, NBC, CBS, The Travel Channel, Omni International, Arts & Entertainment Network, Science  Television  and Fox News.

The interview with James Tyberonn and Graham Hancock is followed by Graham’s brilliant presentation. Take time to view this incredible video, it is well worth your time. Presented courtesy of www.Earth-Keeper .com

Herztian ‘Standing Waves’ Of The Crystal Vortex

Earth Keeper Newsletter | May 24 2012

Greetings All! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you this moment in Unconditional Love!

BrazilDear Ones, that you term the Ascension can be defined as the transition to Crystalline dimensional expansion.

Masters, 2012  is just the beginning, for the crystalline energy is amazingly robust and effusively dynamic. This benevolent energy is indeed a force of omnipotent ubiquity that has not been seen on the planet in many millennia. It is a powerful combination of telluric, hyper-dimensional and cosmic forces that are capable of shaking the earth and opening dimensions. It is also capable of up shifting your frequency. All of these are in fact occurring, and exponentially so, as there are dynamics of crysto-magnetic physics at play that are beyond your current scientific comprehension.

 The final completions of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas are extremely important to the Crystalline Transition of the Earth. And the crystalline transition is tantamount to the 2012 Ascension. On the 12-12-12 the Crystallization of the planet will complete.

Sacred Contacts

That is one of several reasons why so many of you will be drawn to Arkansas for the final Triple Date Portal gathering, the 12-12-12. For those of the Atlantean Law of One, the completion is part of a sacred oath that the Crystalline Energy will one day return…and never again be allowed to fall into the wrong hands. Presence in the Crystal Vortex for many is a soul contract, and many of the Law of One will feel & answer that call. We will also tell you that several of the featured speakers at the 12-12-12 including John Van Auken, Graham Hancock, Dr Semir Osmanagich, Tyberonn and John Jenkins were highly esteemed senior members of the Atlantean scientist priest, the Atla-Ra of the Law of One.

All of their presence will add an immediately recognizable energy of sacred ‘reunion’, and that will be sensed and felt among all of the Atlanteans of the spiritual Law of One. And indeed several of these will be meeting for the first time, and will share the cognition very deeply. All who gather will feel a sense of exuberance, the magical knowing that what was promised millennia ago, will finally occur….the re-emergence of the Crystalline Energy.

Arkansas Was an Atlantean Colony

Just as the Magnetic Master, Kryon channeled a decade ago, evidence of Atlantis is indeed in Arkansas. Arkansas, because of its crystal deposits was logically and absolutely an Atlantean colony. Crystals were seeded, programmed and coded. There remains in the vast chasms below the surface of Arkansas, ancient structures of the Atlantean era. Some of which remain inhabited by the ‘blue-skinned’ race.

Although the incredible crystals beneath the lands of Arkansas have been dormant for over 14,000 years, we tell you that they are awakening…and within the next 3 to 4 decades, Arkansas will be globally recognized for its unusual and brilliant crystalline energy. Many Master souls of the Atla-Ra and indeed Masters of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance will purposefully choose to reincarnate in the Crystal Vortex, and in fact have begun doing so now.

These are the Crystal Children, and Arkansas and Brazil are drawing them in the thousands. They will innately understand the importance of these two regions, and will thrive within, and play leading roles in the appropriate utilization of these potent energies of the Arkansas and Brazilian Crystal Vortexes. By the 23rd century, magnificent Crystalline Temples will have been built around the Crysto-Sun Disc of Pinnacle Mountain, and the Temple Crystal locations of Mount Maga, Wilhelmina and Eureka Springs. And while 3 centuries may seem a long time to you, it is present and will manifest within a flash from your nonlinear aspect.

So accordingly the activity of the Crystal Vortex is surging.

This will increase throughout 2012 and continue through 2038.

Arkansas is emerging as one of the most important and powerful vortexial portals on the planet. It is the northern hemisphere source of the Crytsalline field. Arkansas is not only the largest singular deposit of natural quartz crystal in the world; indeed it contains a unique quality of crystals, coded to awaken at this time, coded with the energy of the ‘Law of One’. In 2012 and forward the crystals will begin emitting a frequency that benevolently interacts with the Human Aura in creating an enahnced gateway of multidimensionality within Mer-Ka-Na.

Sound Fields- Crytsalline Standing Wave

Long ago the ancient Mystery Schools of Atlantis contained a section of the Atla-Ra that programmed crystals with light & sound frequencies. The Crystals emitted a hertzian vibration field that were extremely beneficial. These were used for balancing the human field, enhancing health, healing dis-ease, and for awaken into higher dimension. Some were also able to and open an inter-dimensional channel to other ‘worlds’ and especially to the Divine Self.

In 2012, the Master Poseidon Temple Crystals are initiating a pulsed hertzian field that is capable of living ‘form’. This tangible energy interacts by induction with the human aura, and produces something of an altered state. The benevolent effect is akin to deep chanting, but understand that the waves produced are conscious, living, through the crystalline ‘conscious spirit’ of sound and light. The living energy is similar to that of an elemental field, but of higher resonace. It is more accurately defined as the consciousness of crystalline color and sound. It is projected from the ‘living’ crystals, you see….an aspect emanation of the crystals themselves.

It is indeed the eventual recognition of this field that will motivate the construction of the Crystal Temples. The effect is myriad and prolific, and will powerfully influence the inner self, the higher emotions , higher harmonics of humanity within its energy reach. It is occurring now, and will progress from the 12-12-12 over the next seven years, forming a standing wave.

This energy is Atlantean Atla-Ra technology and still exists in some of you ancient Temples in Egypt, Peru, Central America, Java, Cambodia and in Newgrange in Ireland. All of your ancient Pyramids built to Phi, contained in their original construct such standing waves within specific and relatively narrow hertz bands.

The Crystal Bowl Effect

In a very real sense, the triangulated within oval vortex of the Arkansas crystalline field, will become what you term, a crystal bowl. Within the bowl will be similar, somewhat fixed hertzian wave- range, yet varying pitches or notes. The differing ‘keys’ determined by the indigenous mineralogical energies. For example the area of Magnet Cove, will have a differing tonal resonance that that of Crater of Diamonds, or the Radium Waters.

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The Enigmatic Atlantean Crystal Sphere of Dr Brown

Earth Keeper | February 4 2012

Bosnian PyramidsLegendary Atlantis still holds a fascinating mystique for many. Stories of the ancient land that sank deep into the Atlantic Ocean have endured for more than 5,000 years. Renowned psychic Edgar Cayce spoke in depth about Atlantis, and an Atlantean society that existed for more than 200,000 years. The Atlanteans had, per Cayce, extremely advanced technologies utilizing Crystals. Cayce and academics such as John Van Auken have a great truth about this once great society of Atlantis.

In 2012 and beyond, the hidden history of our true origins will be revealed. The work of Graham Hancock, Dr Semir Osmanagich , Michael Cremo and David Childress is beginning to capture the recognition and sense of truth that is being accelerated in humanity.

And as controversial as the land of Atlantis remains to main stream academics, it is still an enigma that cannot be disproved … while many scholars of old believed the existence of Atlantis to be a historical reality.

To add more mystery to the dilemma, a stunning and controversial mystery exists today surrounding an unusual crystal sphere said to have been found in a submerged pyramid in the waters near the location where Atlantis was said to have existed. Is it real ?

The Astounding Discovery of Dr. Ray Brown

Known as Dr Ray Brown’s Atlantean Crystal Sphere, the discovery of the sphere occurred during a scuba diving trip to the Bari Islands in the Bahamas in 1970.While diving, Ray Brown – a naturopathic doctor – became separated from his friends and while he searched for them, he came upon an amazing pyramid structure, apparently uncovered by the shifting sands of a recent storm. Though startled by the find, he investigated and was amazed that the sides of the pyramid were composed of completely smooth almost luminous stone material . Upon entering the pyramid, Ray entered into an amazing Temple Room that seemed to have some form of interior illumination allowing visibility. He observed a golden metallic rod protruding from the ceiling. The rod had a rather large red crystal at its tip. Just below it he observed what appeared to be a metallic set of hands holding a crystal sphere. He was unable to remove the red crystal or the metallic rod, but was able to remove the crystal sphere.

View Dr Raymond Brown & Dr Marcel Vogel – The Atlantean Sphere

Just as there is main stream rejection of Crystal Skulls, and the Bosnian Pyramids, there is controversy around the seeming fantastic discovery of the Crystal Sphere. Dr Browns story has been widely scrutinized and criticized as embellished ,contradictory and false.

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